
A plugin for browsing the local filesystem and loading files.

Plugin Type: Global or Local

FBrowser is a hybrid global/local plugin, which means it can be invoked in either fashion. If invoked as a local plugin then it is associated with a channel, and an instance can be opened for each channel. It can also be opened as a global plugin.


Navigate the directory tree until you come to the location files you want to load. You can double click a file to load it into the associated channel, or drag a file into a channel viewer window to load it into any channel viewer.

Multiple files can be selected by holding down Ctrl (Command on Mac), or Shift-clicking to select a contiguous range of files.

You may also enter full path to the desired image(s) in the text box as /my/path/to/image.fits, /my/path/to/image.fits[ext], /my/path/to/image*.fits, or /my/path/to/image*.fits[ext].

Because it is a local plugin, FBrowser will remember its last directory if closed and then restarted.

It is customizable using ~/.ginga/plugin_FBrowser.cfg, where ~ is your HOME directory:

# FBrowser plugin preferences file
# Place this in file under ~/.ginga with the name "plugin_FBrowser.cfg"

# Set to a specific directory to choose a starting point for file exploration.
# If None is given, it defaults to your HOME.
home_path = None

# This controls whether the plugin scans the FITS headers to create the
# listing (slow for large numbers of files)
scan_fits_headers = False

# If the number of files in the listing is greater than this, don't do
# a scan on the headers
scan_limit = 100

# if scan_fits_headers is True, then the keywords provides a map between
# attributes and FITS header keywords to fetch from the header
keywords = [('Object', 'OBJECT'), ('Date', 'DATE-OBS'), ('Time UT', 'UT')]

# columns lists the column headers and attributes to show in the listing.
# If you want to include FITS keywords, be sure to include the attributes
# defined in the keywords preference (i.e., 'Time UT', 'Object')
columns = [('Type', 'icon'), ('Name', 'name'), ('Size', 'st_size_str'), ('Mode', 'st_mode_oct'), ('Last Changed', 'st_mtime_str')]

# If True, color every other row in alternating shades to improve
# readability of long tables
color_alternate_rows = True

# Maximum number of rows that will turn off auto column resizing (for speed)
max_rows_for_col_resize = 5000