Source code for ginga.canvas.types.layer

# -- classes for special compound objects layered on
#                   ginga canvases.
# This is open-source software licensed under a BSD license.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt for details.
from ginga.canvas.CanvasObject import (CanvasObjectBase,
from ginga import Mixins
from ginga.misc.log import get_logger

from ..CompoundMixin import CompoundMixin
from ..CanvasMixin import CanvasMixin
from ..DrawingMixin import DrawingMixin

__all__ = ['CompoundObject', 'Canvas', 'DrawingCanvas']

[docs] class CompoundObject(CompoundMixin, CanvasObjectBase): """Compound object on a Ginga canvas. Parameters are the child objects making up the compound object. Objects are drawn in the order listed. Example: .. code-block: Python CompoundObject(Point(x, y, radius, ...), Circle(x, y, radius, ...)) This makes a point inside a circle. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return [ ## Param(name='coord', type=str, default='data', ## valid=['data', 'wcs'], ## description="Set type of coordinates"), ]
def __init__(self, *objects, **kwdargs): CanvasObjectBase.__init__(self, **kwdargs) CompoundMixin.__init__(self) self.objects = list(objects) self.logger = get_logger('foo', log_stderr=True, level=10) self.kind = 'compound' self.editable = False
[docs] class Canvas(CanvasMixin, CompoundObject): """Class to handle canvas in Ginga."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return [ ## Param(name='coord', type=str, default='data', ## valid=['data', 'wcs'], ## description="Set type of coordinates"), ]
def __init__(self, *objects, **kwdargs): CompoundObject.__init__(self, *objects, **kwdargs) CanvasMixin.__init__(self) self.kind = 'canvas' self.editable = False
[docs] class DrawingCanvas(Mixins.UIMixin, DrawingMixin, Canvas): """Drawing canvas.""" def __init__(self, **kwdargs): Canvas.__init__(self, **kwdargs) DrawingMixin.__init__(self) Mixins.UIMixin.__init__(self) self.kind = 'drawingcanvas' self.editable = False
class ConstructedCanvas(DrawingMixin, Canvas): """Constructed canvas from a list of specifications. Parameters are specifications of child objects, where each specification is a map specifying 'type' and (optionally) 'args' and 'kwargs'. If present, 'args' is a sequence of arguments and 'kwargs' is a map of keyword arguments to provide to the constructor of the child. Example: .. code-block: Python ConstructedCanvas([dict(type='point', args=(x, y, radius), kwargs=dict(color='red')), dict(type='circle', args=(x, y, radius), kwargs=dict(color='yellow'))]) This makes a point inside a circle. """ def __init__(self, spec_list, **kwdargs): Canvas.__init__(self, **kwdargs) DrawingMixin.__init__(self) self.objects = self.build_objects(spec_list) self.kind = 'constructed' self.editable = False def build_objects(self, spec_list): return [self.build_object(spec) for spec in spec_list] def build_object(self, spec): ctype = spec.get('type', None) if ctype is None: raise ValueError("Item specification needs a 'type' designator: %s" % ( str(spec))) # TODO: we need to be a subclass of DrawingMixin in order to get # access to the get_draw_class() method. Otherwise we could just # be a subclass of CompoundObject. See if this can be fixed. draw_class = self.get_draw_class(ctype) args = spec.get('args', []) kwargs = spec.get('kwargs', {}) if isinstance(draw_class, CompoundObject): # special case for compound objects: need to have actual objects # in constructor args, not specifications args = self.build_objects(args) return draw_class(*args, **kwargs) catalog = dict(compoundobject=CompoundObject, canvas=Canvas, drawingcanvas=DrawingCanvas, constructedcanvas=ConstructedCanvas) register_canvas_types(catalog) # END