Source code for ginga.AutoCuts

# -- class for calculating auto cut levels
# This is open-source software licensed under a BSD license.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt for details.
import numpy as np

from ginga import trcalc
from ginga.misc import Bunch
#from ginga.misc.ParamSet import Param
from ginga.util import zscale

have_scipy = True
autocut_methods = ('minmax', 'median', 'histogram', 'stddev', 'zscale')
    import scipy.ndimage.filters
except ImportError:
    have_scipy = False
    autocut_methods = ('minmax', 'histogram', 'stddev', 'zscale')

__all__ = ['AutoCutsBase', 'Minmax', 'Histogram', 'StdDev', 'MedianFilter',
           'ZScale', 'get_autocuts', 'get_autocuts_names']

class Param(Bunch.Bunch):

class AutoCutsError(Exception):

[docs]class AutoCutsBase(object): """Base class for auto cuts algorithms."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return []
def __init__(self, logger): super(AutoCutsBase, self).__init__() self.logger = logger self.kind = 'base' self.crop_radius = 512 self.max_sample = 1000 self.pct_sample = 0.02
[docs] def update_params(self, **param_dict): # TODO: find a cleaner way to update these self.__dict__.update(param_dict)
[docs] def get_algorithms(self): """Return the list of autocuts algorithms. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- names: tuple of str The names of the autocut algorithms """ return autocut_methods
[docs] def get_crop(self, image, crop_radius=None): """Get a cropped region of data from an image. Parameters ---------- image : subclass of `~ginga.BaseImage.BaseImage` Image object from which the cut levels should be calculated crop_radius : int (optional, default `None`) The radius of a crop region to extract from the image. If `None`, then the radius will default to the `crop_radius` attribute. Returns ------- result : ndarray The cropped data """ # Even with numpy, it's kind of slow for some of the autocut # methods on a large image, so in those cases we can optionally # take a crop of size (radius*2)x(radius*2) from the center of # the image and calculate the cut levels on that if crop_radius is None: crop_radius = self.crop_radius wd, ht = image.get_size() (data, x1, y1, x2, y2) = image.cutout_radius(wd // 2, ht // 2, crop_radius) return data
[docs] def get_crop_data(self, data, crop_radius=None): """Get a cropped region of data from a ndarray. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Image data from which the data should be cropped crop_radius : int (optional, default `None`) The radius of a crop region to extract from the image data. If `None`, then the radius will default to the `crop_radius` attribute. Returns ------- result : ndarray The cropped data """ if crop_radius is None: crop_radius = self.crop_radius ht, wd = data.shape[:2] (data, x1, y1, x2, y2) = trcalc.cutout_radius(data, wd // 2, ht // 2, crop_radius) return data
[docs] def get_full(self, image, px_limit=None): """Get the full (or cropped) array of data from an image. Parameters ---------- image : subclass of `~ginga.BaseImage.BaseImage` Image object from which the cut levels should be calculated px_limit : int (optional, default `None`) The limit for extracting the full image data. If the number of pixels in the data is larger than this value, a crop from the data will be used instead. Returns ------- result : ndarray The (possibly cropped) data """ wd, ht = image.get_size() num_px = wd * ht if px_limit is not None and num_px > px_limit:"size ({num_px}) > px limit ({px_limit}); " "falling back to crop") return self.get_crop(image) data = image.cutout_data(0, 0, wd, ht) return data
[docs] def get_sample(self, image, num_points=None): """Return a sample from the full data array of the passed image. Parameters ---------- image : subclass of `~ginga.BaseImage.BaseImage` Image object from which the cut levels should be calculated num_points : int (optional, default `None`) Specifies the number of points to sample. If `None`, the number pixels will be calculated to a "reasonable representative sample". Returns ------- result : ndarray The sampled data """ wd, ht = image.get_size() total_points = wd * ht if num_points is None: num_points = min(int(total_points * self.pct_sample), self.max_sample) num_points = min(num_points, total_points) if num_points == 0: return np.zeros((0, 0)) # sample the data xmax = wd - 1 ymax = ht - 1 # evenly spaced sampling over rows and cols xskip = int(max(1.0, np.sqrt(xmax * ymax / float(num_points)))) yskip = xskip cutout = image.cutout_data(0, 0, xmax, ymax, xstep=xskip, ystep=yskip) return cutout
[docs] def get_sample_data(self, data, num_points=None): """Return a sample from a data array. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Image data from which the data should be sampled num_points : int (optional, default `None`) Specifies the number of points to sample. If `None`, the number pixels will be calculated to a "reasonable representative sample". Returns ------- result : ndarray The sampled data """ ht, wd = data.shape[:2] total_points = wd * ht if num_points is None: num_points = min(int(total_points * self.pct_sample), self.max_sample) num_points = min(num_points, total_points) if num_points == 0: return np.zeros((0, 0)) # sample the data xmax = wd - 1 ymax = ht - 1 # evenly spaced sampling over rows and cols xskip = int(max(1.0, np.sqrt(xmax * ymax / float(num_points)))) yskip = xskip cutout = trcalc.cutout_data(data, 0, 0, xmax, ymax, xstep=xskip, ystep=yskip) return cutout
[docs] def calc_cut_levels(self, image): """Calculate the cut levels of an image according to the parameters. Parameters ---------- image : subclass of `~ginga.BaseImage.BaseImage` Image object from which the cut levels should be calculated Returns ------- cut_levels : tuple of float (loval, hival) The cut levels that were calculated """ self.logger.warning("Subclass should override this abstract method!")
get_autocut_levels = calc_cut_levels
[docs] def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): """Calculate the cut levels of a ndarray according to the parameters. Parameters ---------- data_np : ndarray A numpy array of data from which the cut levels should be calculated Returns ------- cut_levels : tuple of float (loval, hival) The cut levels that were calculated """ self.logger.warning("Subclass should override this abstract method!")
[docs] def cut_levels(self, data_np, loval, hival, vmin=0.0, vmax=255.0): """Apply the cut levels to data. Parameters ---------- data_np : ndarray A numpy array of data to which the cut levels should be applied loval : float The low cut level hival : float The high cut level vmin : float (optional, default 0.0) The floor of the range which is the output of the cut levels vmax : float (optional, default 255.0) The ceiling of the range which is the output of the cut levels Returns ------- result : ndarray The result of applying the cut levels to the input array """ loval, hival = float(loval), float(hival) # ensure hival >= loval hival = max(loval, hival) self.logger.debug("loval=%.2f hival=%.2f" % (loval, hival)) delta = hival - loval if delta > 0.0: f = (((data_np - loval) / delta) * vmax) # NOTE: optimization using in-place outputs for speed f.clip(vmin, vmax, out=f) return f # hival == loval, so thresholding operation f = (data_np - loval).clip(vmin, vmax) f[f > 0.0] = vmax return f
def __str__(self): return self.kind
class Clip(AutoCutsBase): """Calculate the cut levels as the minimum and maximum of the data. The calculation is: loval = min(sample_data) hival = max(sample_data) Parameters ---------- logger : :py:class:`~logging.Logger` Logger for tracing and debugging. """ def __init__(self, logger): super(Clip, self).__init__(logger) self.kind = 'clip' def calc_cut_levels(self, image): loval, hival = image.get_minmax() return (float(loval), float(hival)) def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): loval = np.nanmin(data_np) hival = np.nanmax(data_np) return (float(loval), float(hival)) def cut_levels(self, data, loval, hival, vmin=0.0, vmax=255.0): return data.clip(vmin, vmax)
[docs]class Minmax(AutoCutsBase): """Calculate the cut levels as the minimum and maximum of the data. The calculation is: loval = min(sample_data) hival = max(sample_data) Parameters ---------- logger : :py:class:`~logging.Logger` Logger for tracing and debugging. """ def __init__(self, logger): super(Minmax, self).__init__(logger) self.kind = 'minmax'
[docs] def calc_cut_levels(self, image): """See subclass documentation.""" loval, hival = image.get_minmax() return (float(loval), float(hival))
[docs] def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): """See subclass documentation.""" data = data_np[np.isfinite(data_np)] if data.size == 0: return (0, 0) loval = np.min(data) hival = np.max(data) return (float(loval), float(hival))
[docs]class Histogram(AutoCutsBase): """Calculate the cut levels based on a histogram analysis of the data. Parameters ---------- logger : :py:class:`~logging.Logger` Logger for tracing and debugging. sample : str (optional, 'crop', 'grid', or 'full', default: 'crop') Specifies how to access the image for calculation: - crop: crop an area from the middle of the image - grid: sample data in a grid pattern across the image - full: use the full image data full_px_limit : int (optional, defaults to 1M) Specifies the limit for using the full data if sample == 'full'. If the number of pixels in the image is larger than this, then the image will fall back to using a crop. num_points : int (optional, defaults to None) Specifies the number of points in the grid if sample == 'grid', or the diameter of the crop, if sample == 'crop' (or 'full' and number of pixels exceeds `full_px_limit`). If None, the number pixels will be calculated to a "reasonable representative sample". pct : float (optional, range: 0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.999) Specifies the percentage of the histogram bins to retain numbins : int (optional, defaults to 2048) Specifies the number of bins used in calculating the histogram """
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return [ Param(name='sample', type=str, valid=['crop', 'grid', 'full'], default='crop', description="How to access data for calculation"), Param(name='full_px_limit', type=int, default=1 * 1024 * 1024, allow_none=True, description="For sample=full, fall back to crop if num_px > limit"), Param(name='num_points', type=int, default=None, allow_none=True, description="Number of points to sample (for sample=grid); 'None' for calculated default"), Param(name='pct', type=float, widget='spinfloat', incr=0.001, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.999, description="Percentage of the histogram to retain"), Param(name='numbins', type=int, min=100, max=10000, default=2048, description="Number of bins for the histogram"), ]
# NOTE: `usecrop` kwarg to be deprecated--accepted but not used # for backward compatibility with saved older settings def __init__(self, logger, usecrop=None, sample='crop', full_px_limit=None, num_points=None, pct=0.999, numbins=2048): super(Histogram, self).__init__(logger) self.kind = 'histogram' self.sample = sample self.full_px_limit = full_px_limit self.num_points = num_points self.pct = pct self.numbins = numbins
[docs] def calc_cut_levels(self, image): """See subclass documentation.""" if self.sample == 'crop': if self.num_points is None: crop_radius = self.crop_radius else: crop_radius = int(self.num_points // 2) data = self.get_crop(image, crop_radius=crop_radius) elif self.sample == 'grid': data = self.get_sample(image, num_points=self.num_points) else: data = self.get_full(image, px_limit=self.full_px_limit) bnch = self.calc_histogram(data, pct=self.pct, numbins=self.numbins) loval, hival = bnch.loval, bnch.hival return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): """See subclass documentation.""" if self.sample == 'crop': if self.num_points is None: crop_radius = self.crop_radius else: crop_radius = int(self.num_points // 2) data = self.get_crop_data(data_np, crop_radius=crop_radius) elif self.sample == 'grid': data = self.get_sample_data(data_np, num_points=self.num_points) else: data = data_np bnch = self.calc_histogram(data, pct=self.pct, numbins=self.numbins) loval, hival = bnch.loval, bnch.hival return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_histogram(self, data, pct=1.0, numbins=2048): """Internal function used by this class.""" self.logger.debug("Computing histogram, pct=%.4f numbins=%d" % ( pct, numbins)) height, width = data.shape[:2] self.logger.debug("Median analysis array is %dx%d" % ( width, height)) data = data[np.isfinite(data)] total_px = len(data.flat) if total_px == 0: return Bunch.Bunch(loval=0, hival=0) dist, bins = np.histogram(data, bins=numbins, density=False) cutoff = int((float(total_px) * (1.0 - pct)) / 2.0) top = len(dist) - 1 self.logger.debug("top=%d cutoff=%d" % (top, cutoff)) # calculate low cutoff cumsum = np.cumsum(dist) li = np.flatnonzero(cumsum > cutoff) if len(li) > 0: i = li[0] count_px = cumsum[i] else: i = 0 count_px = 0 if i > 0: nprev = cumsum[i - 1] else: nprev = 0 loidx = i # interpolate between last two low bins val1, val2 = bins[i], bins[i + 1] divisor = float(count_px) - float(nprev) if divisor > 0.0: interp = (float(cutoff) - float(nprev)) / divisor else: interp = 0.0 loval = val1 + ((val2 - val1) * interp) self.logger.debug("loval=%f val1=%f val2=%f interp=%f" % ( loval, val1, val2, interp)) # calculate high cutoff revdist = dist[::-1] cumsum = np.cumsum(revdist) li = np.flatnonzero(cumsum > cutoff) if len(li) > 0: i = li[0] count_px = cumsum[i] else: i = 0 count_px = 0 if i > 0: nprev = cumsum[i - 1] else: nprev = 0 j = top - i hiidx = j + 1 # interpolate between last two high bins val1, val2 = bins[j], bins[j + 1] divisor = float(count_px) - float(nprev) if divisor > 0.0: interp = (float(cutoff) - float(nprev)) / divisor else: interp = 0.0 hival = val1 + ((val2 - val1) * interp) self.logger.debug("hival=%f val1=%f val2=%f interp=%f" % ( hival, val1, val2, interp)) return Bunch.Bunch(dist=dist, bins=bins, loval=loval, hival=hival, loidx=loidx, hiidx=hiidx)
[docs]class StdDev(AutoCutsBase): """Calculate the cut levels based on a standard deviation analysis of the data. The calculation is: loval = hensa_lo * sdev(sample_data) + mean(sample_data) hival = hensa_hi * sdev(sample_data) + mean(sample_data) Parameters ---------- logger : :py:class:`~logging.Logger` Logger for tracing and debugging. sample : str (optional, 'crop', 'grid', or 'full', default: 'crop') Specifies how to access the image for calculation: - crop: crop an area from the middle of the image - grid: sample data in a grid pattern across the image - full: use the full image data full_px_limit : int (optional, defaults to 1M) Specifies the limit for using the full data if sample == 'full'. If the number of pixels in the image is larger than this, then the image will fall back to using a crop. num_points : int (optional, defaults to None) Specifies the number of points in the grid if sample == 'grid', or the diameter of the crop, if sample == 'crop' (or 'full' and number of pixels exceeds `full_px_limit`). If None, the number pixels will be calculated to a "reasonable representative sample". hensa_lo : float (optional, defaults to -1.5) Specifies the low cut multiplication factor to apply to the standard deviation before adding the median (usually < 0) hensa_hi : float (optional, defaults to 4.0) Specifies the low cut multiplication factor to apply to the standard deviation before adding the median (usually > 0) """
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return [ Param(name='sample', type=str, valid=['crop', 'grid', 'full'], default='grid', description="How to access data for calculation"), Param(name='full_px_limit', type=int, default=1 * 1024 * 1024, allow_none=True, description="For sample=full, fall back to crop if num_px > limit"), Param(name='num_points', type=int, default=None, allow_none=True, description="Number of points to sample (for sample=grid); 'None' for calculated default"), Param(name='hensa_lo', type=float, default=-1.5, description="Low cut sdev multiplication factor"), Param(name='hensa_hi', type=float, default=4.0, description="High cut sdev multiplication factor"), ]
# NOTE: `usecrop` kwarg to be deprecated--accepted but not used # for backward compatibility with saved older settings def __init__(self, logger, usecrop=None, sample='grid', full_px_limit=None, num_points=None, hensa_lo=-1.5, hensa_hi=4.0): super(StdDev, self).__init__(logger) self.kind = 'stddev' self.sample = sample self.full_px_limit = full_px_limit self.num_points = num_points # Constants used to calculate the lo and hi cut levels using the # "stddev" algorithm (from the old SOSS fits viewer) self.hensa_lo = hensa_lo self.hensa_hi = hensa_hi
[docs] def calc_cut_levels(self, image): """See subclass documentation.""" if self.sample == 'crop': if self.num_points is None: crop_radius = self.crop_radius else: crop_radius = int(self.num_points // 2) data = self.get_crop(image, crop_radius=crop_radius) elif self.sample == 'grid': data = self.get_sample(image, num_points=self.num_points) else: data = self.get_full(image, px_limit=self.full_px_limit) loval, hival = self.calc_stddev(data, hensa_lo=self.hensa_lo, hensa_hi=self.hensa_hi) return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): """See subclass documentation.""" if self.sample == 'crop': if self.num_points is None: crop_radius = self.crop_radius else: crop_radius = int(self.num_points // 2) data = self.get_crop_data(data_np, crop_radius=crop_radius) elif self.sample == 'grid': data = self.get_sample_data(data_np, num_points=self.num_points) else: data = data_np if data.size == 0: return (0, 0) loval, hival = self.calc_stddev(data, hensa_lo=self.hensa_lo, hensa_hi=self.hensa_hi) return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_stddev(self, data, hensa_lo=-1.5, hensa_hi=4.0): """Internal function used by this class.""" data = data[np.isfinite(data)] if data.size == 0: return (0, 0) mean = np.mean(data) sdev = np.std(data) self.logger.debug(f"mean={mean} std={sdev}") loval = hensa_lo * sdev + mean hival = hensa_hi * sdev + mean return loval, hival
[docs]class MedianFilter(AutoCutsBase): """Calculate the cut levels based on a median filtering analysis of the data. The calculation is: out = median_filter(sample_data, size=length) loval, hival = min(out), max(out) Parameters ---------- logger : :py:class:`~logging.Logger` Logger for tracing and debugging. num_points : int (optional, defaults to None) Specifies the number of points to sample making up the grid. If None, the number of points will be calculated to a "reasonable representative sample". length : int (optional, defaults to 5) Specifies the size of the median filter to apply to the data """
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return [ Param(name='num_points', type=int, default=2000, allow_none=True, description="Number of points to sample; 'None' for calculated default"), Param(name='length', type=int, default=5, description="Median kernel length"), ]
def __init__(self, logger, num_points=2000, length=5): super(MedianFilter, self).__init__(logger) self.kind = 'median' self.num_points = num_points self.length = length
[docs] def calc_cut_levels(self, image): """See subclass documentation.""" data = self.get_sample(image, num_points=self.num_points) loval, hival = self.calc_medianfilter(data, length=self.length) return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): """See subclass documentation.""" data = self.get_sample_data(data_np, num_points=self.num_points) loval, hival = self.calc_medianfilter(data, length=self.length) return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_medianfilter(self, data, length=5): """Internal function used by this class.""" assert len(data.shape) >= 2, \ AutoCutsError("input data should be 2D or greater") if length is None: length = 5 xout = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(data, size=length) loval = np.nanmin(xout) hival = np.nanmax(xout) return loval, hival
[docs]class ZScale(AutoCutsBase): """Calculate the cut levels based on a median filtering analysis of the data. Based on STScI's numdisplay implementation of IRAF's ZScale. The calculation is: local, hival = zscale(sample_data, contrast) Parameters ---------- logger : :py:class:`~logging.Logger` Logger for tracing and debugging. contrast : float (optional, range: 0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.25) Specifies the contrast parameter to use in the zscale calculation num_points : int (optional, defaults to None) Specifies the number of points to sample making up the grid. If None, the number of points will be calculated to a "reasonable representative sample". """
[docs] @classmethod def get_params_metadata(cls): return [ Param(name='contrast', type=float, default=0.25, allow_none=False, description="Contrast"), Param(name='num_points', type=int, default=1000, allow_none=True, description="Number of points to sample; 'None' for calculated default"), ]
def __init__(self, logger, contrast=0.25, num_points=None): super(ZScale, self).__init__(logger) self.kind = 'zscale' self.contrast = contrast self.num_points = num_points
[docs] def calc_cut_levels(self, image): """See subclass documentation.""" data = self.get_sample(image, num_points=self.num_points) loval, hival = self.calc_zscale(data, contrast=self.contrast, num_points=self.num_points) return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_cut_levels_data(self, data_np): """See subclass documentation.""" cutout = self.get_sample_data(data_np) loval, hival = self.calc_zscale(cutout, contrast=self.contrast, num_points=self.num_points) return loval, hival
[docs] def calc_zscale(self, data, contrast=0.25, num_points=1000): """Internal function used by this class.""" # NOTE: num_per_row is ignored in this implementation assert len(data.shape) >= 2, \ AutoCutsError("input data should be 2D or greater") ht, wd = data.shape[:2] # sanity check on contrast parameter assert (0.0 < contrast <= 1.0), \ AutoCutsError("contrast (%.2f) not in range 0 < c <= 1" % ( contrast)) # remove masked elements, they cause problems data = data[np.logical_not(] # remove NaN and Inf from samples samples = data[np.isfinite(data)].flatten() samples = samples[:num_points] if samples.size == 0: return (0, 0) loval, hival = zscale.zscale_samples(samples, contrast=contrast) return loval, hival
# funky boolean converter _bool = lambda st: str(st).lower() == 'true' # noqa autocuts_table = { 'clip': Clip, 'minmax': Minmax, 'stddev': StdDev, 'histogram': Histogram, 'median': MedianFilter, 'zscale': ZScale, }
[docs]def get_autocuts(name): """Return the class object used to implement an autocuts algorithm. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the algorithm Returns ------- klass : subclass of `~ginga.AutoCuts.AutoCutsBase` A class implementing the auto cut levels algorithm """ if name not in autocut_methods: raise AutoCutsError("Method '%s' is not supported" % (name)) return autocuts_table[name]
[docs]def get_autocuts_names(): """Return the list of algorithm names for the available autocuts methods. Returns ------- names : list of str A list of the known auto cut levels algorithm names """ l = list(autocuts_table.keys()) l.sort() return l