Source code for ginga.util.iqcalc

"""Module to handle image quality calculations."""
# -- image quality calculations on FITS data
# This is open-source software licensed under a BSD license.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt for details.

import math
import logging
import threading

import numpy as np

    import scipy.optimize as optimize
    import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
    import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    have_scipy = True
except ImportError:
    have_scipy = False

from ginga.misc import Bunch

__all__ = ['get_mean', 'get_median', 'IQCalcError', 'IQCalc']

[docs]def get_mean(data_np): """Calculate mean for valid values. Parameters ---------- data_np : ndarray Input array. Can contain masked values. Returns ------- result : float Mean of array values that are finite. If array contains no finite values, returns NaN. """ i = np.isfinite(data_np) if not np.any(i): return np.nan # NOTE: we use "ma" version of mean because this can be used with # masked arrays created by cutting out non-rectangular shapes return[i])
[docs]def get_median(data_np): """Like :func:`get_mean` but for median.""" i = np.isfinite(data_np) if not np.any(i): return np.nan # NOTE: we use "ma" version of median because this can be used with # masked arrays created by cutting out non-rectangular shapes return[i])
[docs]class IQCalcError(Exception): """Base exception for raising errors in this module.""" pass
[docs]class IQCalc(object): """Class to handle model fitting and FWHM calculations. Parameters ---------- logger : obj or `None` Python logger. If not given, one will be created. Attributes ---------- lock : :py:class:`threading.RLock` For mutex around `scipy.optimize`, which seems to be non-threadsafe. skylevel_magnification, skylevel_offset : float For adjustments to sky background level. """ def __init__(self, logger=None): if not logger: logger = logging.getLogger('IQCalc') self.logger = logger # for mutex around scipy.optimize, which seems to be non-threadsafe self.lock = threading.RLock() # for adjustments to background level self.skylevel_magnification = 1.05 self.skylevel_offset = 40.0 # FWHM CALCULATION
[docs] def gaussian(self, x, p): """Evaluate Gaussian function in 1D. See :meth:`calc_fwhm`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like X values. p : tuple of float Parameters for Gaussian, i.e., ``(mean, stddev, amplitude)``. Returns ------- y : array-like Y values. """ y = (1.0 / (p[1] * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x - p[0]) ** 2 / (2 * p[1] ** 2))) * p[2] return y
[docs] def calc_fwhm_gaussian(self, arr1d, medv=None, gauss_fn=None): """FWHM calculation on a 1D array by using least square fitting of a Gaussian function on the data. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. gauss_fn : func or `None` Gaussian function for fitting. If not given, :meth:`gaussian` is used. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. Raises ------ IQCalcError Fitting failed. """ if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") if gauss_fn is None: gauss_fn = self.gaussian N = len(arr1d) X = np.array(list(range(N))) Y = arr1d # Fitting works more reliably if we do the following # a. subtract sky background if medv is None: medv = get_median(Y) Y = Y - medv maxv = Y.max() # b. clamp to 0..max (of the sky subtracted field) Y = Y.clip(0, maxv) # Fit a gaussian p0 = [0, N - 1, maxv] # Inital guess # Distance to the target function errfunc = lambda p, x, y: gauss_fn(x, p) - y # noqa # Least square fit to the gaussian with self.lock: # NOTE: without this mutex, optimize.leastsq causes a fatal error # sometimes--it appears not to be thread safe. # The error is: # "SystemError: null argument to internal routine" # "Fatal Python error: GC object already tracked" p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(X, Y)) if not success: raise IQCalcError("FWHM Gaussian fitting failed") mu, sdev, maxv = p1 self.logger.debug("mu=%f sdev=%f maxv=%f" % (mu, sdev, maxv)) # Now that we have the sdev from fitting, we can calculate FWHM fwhm = 2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) * sdev # some routines choke on numpy values and need "pure" Python floats # e.g. when marshalling through a remote procedure interface fwhm = float(fwhm) mu = float(mu) sdev = float(sdev) maxv = float(maxv) res = Bunch.Bunch(fwhm=fwhm, mu=mu, sdev=sdev, maxv=maxv, fit_fn=gauss_fn, fit_args=[mu, sdev, maxv]) return res
[docs] def moffat(self, x, p): """Evaluate Moffat function in 1D. See :meth:`calc_fwhm`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like X values. p : tuple of float Parameters for Moffat, i.e., ``(x_0, gamma, alpha, amplitude)``, where ``x_0`` a.k.a. mean and ``gamma`` core width. Returns ------- y : array-like Y values. """ y = (1.0 + (x - p[0]) ** 2 / p[1] ** 2) ** (-1.0 * p[2]) * p[3] return y
[docs] def calc_fwhm_moffat(self, arr1d, medv=None, moffat_fn=None): """FWHM calculation on a 1D array by using least square fitting of a Moffat function on the data. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. moffat_fn : func or `None` Moffat function for fitting. If not given, :meth:`moffat` is used. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. Raises ------ IQCalcError Fitting failed. """ if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") if moffat_fn is None: moffat_fn = self.moffat N = len(arr1d) X = np.array(list(range(N))) Y = arr1d # Fitting works more reliably if we do the following # a. subtract sky background if medv is None: medv = get_median(Y) Y = Y - medv maxv = Y.max() # b. clamp to 0..max (of the sky subtracted field) Y = Y.clip(0, maxv) # Fit a moffat p0 = [0, N - 1, 2, maxv] # Inital guess # Distance to the target function errfunc = lambda p, x, y: moffat_fn(x, p) - y # noqa # Least square fit to the gaussian with self.lock: # NOTE: without this mutex, optimize.leastsq causes a fatal error # sometimes--it appears not to be thread safe. # The error is: # "SystemError: null argument to internal routine" # "Fatal Python error: GC object already tracked" p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(X, Y)) if not success: raise IQCalcError("FWHM Moffat fitting failed") mu, width, power, maxv = p1 width = np.abs(width) self.logger.debug("mu=%f width=%f power=%f maxv=%f" % ( mu, width, power, maxv)) fwhm = 2.0 * width * np.sqrt(2.0 ** (1.0 / power) - 1.0) # some routines choke on numpy values and need "pure" Python floats # e.g. when marshalling through a remote procedure interface fwhm = float(fwhm) mu = float(mu) width = float(width) power = float(power) maxv = float(maxv) res = Bunch.Bunch(fwhm=fwhm, mu=mu, width=width, power=power, maxv=maxv, fit_fn=moffat_fn, fit_args=[mu, width, power, maxv]) return res
[docs] def calc_fwhm(self, arr1d, medv=None, method_name='gaussian'): """Calculate FWHM for the given input array. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. method_name : {'gaussian', 'moffat'} Function to use for fitting. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. """ # Calculate FWHM in each direction fwhm_fn = self.calc_fwhm_gaussian if method_name == 'moffat': fwhm_fn = self.calc_fwhm_moffat return fwhm_fn(arr1d, medv=medv)
[docs] def get_fwhm(self, x, y, radius, data, medv=None, method_name='gaussian'): """Get the FWHM values of the object at the given coordinates and radius. Parameters ---------- x, y : int Indices of the object location in data array. radius : float Radius of the region encompassing the object. data : array-like Data array. medv, method_name See :meth:`calc_fwhm`. Returns ------- fwhm_x, fwhm_y : float FWHM in X and Y, respectively. ctr_x, ctr_y : float Center in X and Y, respectively. x_res, y_res : dict Fit results from :meth:`calc_fwhm` in X and Y, respectively. """ if medv is None: medv = get_median(data) # Get two cuts of the data, one in X and one in Y x0, y0, xarr, yarr = self.cut_cross(x, y, radius, data) # Calculate FWHM in each direction x_res = self.calc_fwhm(xarr, medv=medv, method_name=method_name) fwhm_x, cx = x_res.fwhm, y_res = self.calc_fwhm(yarr, medv=medv, method_name=method_name) fwhm_y, cy = y_res.fwhm, ctr_x = x0 + cx ctr_y = y0 + cy self.logger.debug("fwhm_x,fwhm_y=%f,%f center=%f,%f" % ( fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ctr_x, ctr_y)) return (fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ctr_x, ctr_y, x_res, y_res)
[docs] def starsize(self, fwhm_x, deg_pix_x, fwhm_y, deg_pix_y): """Calculate average FWHM in arcseconds. Parameters ---------- fwhm_x : float FWHM in X (pixels). deg_pix_x : float Plate scale from CDELT1 in degrees per pixel. fwhm_y : float FWHM in Y (pixels). deg_pix_y : float Plate scale from CDELT2 in degrees per pixel. Returns ------- fwhm : float Average FWHM in arcseconds. """ cdelta1 = math.fabs(deg_pix_x) cdelta2 = math.fabs(deg_pix_y) fwhm = (fwhm_x * cdelta1 + fwhm_y * cdelta2) / 2.0 fwhm = fwhm * 3600.0 return fwhm
[docs] def centroid(self, data, xc, yc, radius): """Calculate centroid from center of mass. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Data array. xc, yc : int X and Y indices of the approximate center. radius : float Half-width of the region to consider around the given center. Returns ------- x, y : float Centroid indices. Raises ------ IQCalcError Missing dependency. """ if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") xc, yc = int(xc), int(yc) x0, y0, arr = self.cut_region(xc, yc, int(radius), data) # See cp_arr = np.asarray(arr) cy, cx = ndimage.center_of_mass(cp_arr) return (x0 + cx, y0 + cy)
[docs] def get_threshold(self, data, sigma=5.0): """Calculate threshold for :meth:`find_bright_peaks`. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Data array. sigma : float Sigma for the threshold. Returns ------- threshold : float Threshold based on good data, its median, and the given sigma. """ # remove masked elements fdata = data[np.logical_not(] # remove Inf or NaN fdata = fdata[np.isfinite(fdata)] # find the median median = get_median(fdata) # NOTE: for this method a good default sigma is 5.0 dist = np.fabs(fdata - median).mean() threshold = median + sigma * dist # NOTE: for this method a good default sigma is 2.0 ## std = np.std(fdata - median) ## threshold = median + sigma * std self.logger.debug("calc threshold=%f" % (threshold)) return threshold
[docs] def find_bright_peaks(self, data, threshold=None, sigma=5, radius=5): """Find bright peak candidates in in the given data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Input data to find peaks from. threshold : float or `None` Detection threshold. Below this value, an object is not considered a candidate. If not given, a default is calculated using :meth:`get_threshold` with the given ``sigma``. sigma : float Sigma for the threshold. radius : float Pixel radius for determining local maxima. If the desired objects are larger in size, specify a larger radius. Returns ------- peaks : list of tuple A list of candidate object coordinate tuples ``(x, y)`` in data. """ if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") if threshold is None: # set threshold to default if none provided threshold = self.get_threshold(data, sigma=sigma) self.logger.debug("threshold defaults to %f (sigma=%f)" % ( threshold, sigma)) #self.logger.debug("filtering") data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, radius) maxima = (data == data_max) diff = data_max > threshold maxima[diff == 0] = 0 #self.logger.debug("finding") labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima) slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled) peaks = [] for dy, dx in slices: xc = (dx.start + dx.stop - 1) / 2.0 yc = (dy.start + dy.stop - 1) / 2.0 # This is only an approximate center; use FWHM or centroid # calculation to refine further peaks.append((xc, yc)) self.logger.debug("peaks=%s" % (str(peaks))) return peaks
[docs] def cut_region(self, x, y, radius, data): """Return a cut region. Parameters ---------- x, y : int Indices of central pixel. radius : int Half-width in both X and Y directions. data : array-like Data array to cut from. Returns ------- x0, y0 : int Origin of the region. arr : array-like Cut region (a view, not copy). """ n = radius ht, wd = data.shape x0, x1 = max(0, x - n), min(wd - 1, x + n) y0, y1 = max(0, y - n), min(ht - 1, y + n) arr = data[y0:y1 + 1, x0:x1 + 1] return (x0, y0, arr)
[docs] def cut_cross(self, x, y, radius, data): """Cut data vertically and horizontally at the given position with the given radius. Parameters ---------- x, y : int Indices where vertical and horizontal cuts meet. radius : float Radius of both cuts. data : array-like Data array to cut from. Returns ------- x0 : array-like Starting pixel of horizontal cut (in X). y0 : array-like Starting pixel of vertical cut (in Y). xarr : array-like Horizontal cut (in X). yarr : array-like Vertical cut (in Y). """ n = int(round(radius)) ht, wd = data.shape x, y = int(round(x)), int(round(y)) x0, x1 = int(max(0, x - n)), int(min(wd - 1, x + n)) y0, y1 = int(max(0, y - n)), int(min(ht - 1, y + n)) xarr = data[y, x0:x1 + 1] yarr = data[y0:y1 + 1, x] return (x0, y0, xarr, yarr)
[docs] def brightness(self, x, y, radius, medv, data): """Return the brightness value found in a region defined by input location and radius. Region is cut using :meth:`cut_region`. Parameters ---------- x, y : int Indices of central pixel. radius : int Half-width in both X and Y directions. medv : float Background to subtract off. data : array-like Data array. Returns ------- res : float Brightness. """ x0, y0, arr = self.cut_region(x, y, radius, data) arr2 = np.sort(arr.flat) idx = int(len(arr2) * 0.8) res = arr2[idx] - medv return float(res)
[docs] def fwhm_data(self, x, y, data, radius=15, method_name='gaussian'): """Equivalent to :meth:`get_fwhm`.""" return self.get_fwhm(x, y, radius, data, method_name=method_name)
# Encircled and ensquared energies (EE)
[docs] def ensquared_energy(self, data): """Return a function of ensquared energy across pixel indices. Ideally, data is already a masked array and is assumed to be centered. """ if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") tot = data.sum() ny, nx = data.shape cen_x = int(nx // 2) cen_y = int(ny // 2) ee = [] if ny > nx: n_max = ny cen = cen_y else: n_max = nx cen = cen_x if n_max % 2 == 0: # Even delta_i1 = -1 else: # Odd delta_i1 = 0 xr = range(n_max - cen) for i in xr: ix1 = cen_x - i + delta_i1 if ix1 < 0: ix1 = 0 ix2 = cen_x + i + 1 if ix2 > nx: ix2 = nx iy1 = cen_y - i + delta_i1 if iy1 < 0: iy1 = 0 iy2 = cen_y + i + 1 if iy2 > ny: iy2 = ny ee.append(data[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2].sum() / tot) return interp1d(xr, ee, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True)
# This is adapted from poppy package. See licenses/ .
[docs] def encircled_energy(self, data): """Return a function of encircled energy across pixel indices. Ideally, data is already a masked array and is assumed to be centered. """ if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") y, x = np.indices(data.shape, dtype=float) cen = tuple((i - 1) * 0.5 for i in data.shape[::-1]) x -= cen[0] y -= cen[1] r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) ind = np.argsort(r.flat) sorted_r = r.flat[ind] sorted_data = data.flat[ind] # data is already masked csim = sorted_data.cumsum(dtype=float) sorted_r_int = sorted_r.astype(int) deltar = sorted_r_int[1:] - sorted_r_int[:-1] # assume all radii represented rind = np.where(deltar)[0] ee = csim[rind] / sorted_data.sum() # Normalize if isinstance(ee, ee.set_fill_value(0) ee = ee.filled() return interp1d(range(ee.size), ee, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True)
[docs] def evaluate_peaks(self, peaks, data, bright_radius=2, fwhm_radius=15, fwhm_method='gaussian', ee_total_radius=10, cb_fn=None, ev_intr=None): """Evaluate photometry for given peaks in data array. Parameters ---------- peaks : list of tuple List of ``(x, y)`` tuples containing indices of peaks. data : array-like Data array that goes with the given peaks. bright_radius : int **This is not used.** fwhm_radius, fwhm_method See :meth:`get_fwhm`. ee_total_radius : float Radius, in pixels, where encircled and ensquared energy fractions are defined as 1. cb_fn : func or `None` If applicable, provide a callback function that takes a `ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` containing the result for each peak. It should not return anything. ev_intr : :py:class:`threading.Event` or `None` For threading, if applicable. Returns ------- objlist : list of `ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` A list of successful results for the given peaks. Each result contains the following keys: * ``objx``, ``objy``: Fitted centroid from :meth:`get_fwhm`. * ``pos``: A measure of distance from the center of the image. * ``oid_x``, ``oid_y``: Center-of-mass centroid from :meth:`centroid`. * ``fwhm_x``, ``fwhm_y``: Fitted FWHM from :meth:`get_fwhm`. * ``fwhm``: Overall measure of fwhm as a single value. * ``fwhm_radius``: Input FWHM radius. * ``brightness``: Average peak value based on :meth:`get_fwhm` fits. * ``elipse``: A measure of ellipticity. * ``x``, ``y``: Input indices of the peak. * ``skylevel``: Sky level estimated from median of data array and ``skylevel_magnification`` and ``skylevel_offset`` attributes. * ``background``: Median of the input array. * ``ensquared_energy_fn``: Function of ensquared energy for different pixel radii. * ``encircled_energy_fn``: Function of encircled energy for different pixel radii. """ height, width = data.shape hh = float(height) / 2.0 ht = float(height) h4 = float(height) * 4.0 wh = float(width) / 2.0 wd = float(width) w4 = float(width) * 4.0 # Find the median (sky/background) level median = float(get_median(data)) #skylevel = median # Old SOSS qualsize() applied this calculation to skylevel skylevel = median * self.skylevel_magnification + self.skylevel_offset # Form a list of objects and their characteristics objlist = [] for x, y in peaks: if ev_intr and ev_intr.is_set(): raise IQCalcError("Evaluation interrupted!") # Find the fwhm in x and y try: res = self.fwhm_data(x, y, data, radius=fwhm_radius, method_name=fwhm_method) fwhm_x, fwhm_y, ctr_x, ctr_y, x_res, y_res = res bx = x_res.fit_fn(round(ctr_x), (ctr_x,) + tuple(x_res.fit_args[1:])) by = y_res.fit_fn(round(ctr_y), (ctr_y,) + tuple(y_res.fit_args[1:])) bright = float((bx + by) / 2.0) except Exception as e: # Error doing FWHM, skip this object self.logger.debug("Error doing FWHM on object at %.2f,%.2f: %s" % ( x, y, str(e))) continue oid_x, oid_y = None, None try: oid_x, oid_y = self.centroid(data, x, y, fwhm_radius) except Exception as e: # Error doing centroid self.logger.debug("Error doing centroid on object at %.2f,%.2f: %s" % ( x, y, str(e))) self.logger.debug("orig=%f,%f ctr=%f,%f fwhm=%f,%f bright=%f" % ( x, y, ctr_x, ctr_y, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, bright)) # overall measure of fwhm as a single value fwhm = (math.sqrt(fwhm_x * fwhm_x + fwhm_y * fwhm_y) * (1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0))) # calculate a measure of ellipticity elipse = math.fabs(min(fwhm_x, fwhm_y) / max(fwhm_x, fwhm_y)) # calculate a measure of distance from center of image dx = wh - ctr_x dy = hh - ctr_y dx2 = dx * dx / wd / w4 dy2 = dy * dy / ht / h4 if dx2 > dy2: pos = 1.0 - dx2 else: pos = 1.0 - dy2 # EE on background subtracted image ee_sq_fn = None ee_circ_fn = None iy1 = int(ctr_y - ee_total_radius) iy2 = int(ctr_y + ee_total_radius) + 1 ix1 = int(ctr_x - ee_total_radius) ix2 = int(ctr_x + ee_total_radius) + 1 if iy1 < 0 or iy2 > height or ix1 < 0 or ix2 > width: self.logger.debug("Error calculating EE on object at %.2f,%.2f: Box out of range with radius=%.2f" % (x, y, ee_total_radius)) else: ee_data = data[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - median try: ee_sq_fn = self.ensquared_energy(ee_data) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("Error calculating ensquared energy on object at %.2f,%.2f: %s" % (x, y, str(e))) try: ee_circ_fn = self.encircled_energy(ee_data) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("Error calculating encircled energy on object at %.2f,%.2f: %s" % (x, y, str(e))) obj = Bunch.Bunch(objx=ctr_x, objy=ctr_y, pos=pos, oid_x=oid_x, oid_y=oid_y, fwhm_x=fwhm_x, fwhm_y=fwhm_y, fwhm=fwhm, fwhm_radius=fwhm_radius, brightness=bright, elipse=elipse, x=int(x), y=int(y), skylevel=skylevel, background=median, ensquared_energy_fn=ee_sq_fn, encircled_energy_fn=ee_circ_fn) objlist.append(obj) if cb_fn is not None: cb_fn(obj) return objlist
def _sortkey(self, obj): """For sorting of result in :meth:`objlist_select`.""" val = obj.brightness * obj.pos / math.sqrt(obj.fwhm) return val
[docs] def objlist_select(self, objlist, width, height, minfwhm=2.0, maxfwhm=150.0, minelipse=0.5, edgew=0.01): """Filter output from :meth:`evaluate_peaks`. Parameters ---------- objlist : list of `ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Output from :meth:`evaluate_peaks`. width, height : int Dimension of data array from which ``objlist`` was derived. minfwhm, maxfwhm : float Limits for desired FWHM, where ``(minfwhm, maxfwhm)``. minelipse : float Minimum value of desired ellipticity (not inclusive). edgew : float Factor between 0 and 1 that determines if a location is too close to the edge or not. Returns ------- results : list of `ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Elements of ``objlist`` that contain desired FWHM, ellipticity, and not too close to the edge. """ results = [] count = 0 for obj in objlist: count += 1 self.logger.debug("%d obj x,y=%.2f,%.2f fwhm=%.2f bright=%.2f" % ( count, obj.objx, obj.objy, obj.fwhm, obj.brightness)) # If peak has a minfwhm < fwhm < maxfwhm and the object # is inside the frame by edgew pct if ((minfwhm < obj.fwhm) and (obj.fwhm < maxfwhm) and (minelipse < obj.elipse) and (width * edgew < obj.x) and (height * edgew < obj.y) and (width * (1.0 - edgew) > obj.x) and (height * (1.0 - edgew) > obj.y)): results.append(obj) #results.sort(cmp=self._compare) results.sort(key=self._sortkey, reverse=True) return results
[docs] def pick_field(self, data, peak_radius=5, bright_radius=2, fwhm_radius=15, threshold=None, minfwhm=2.0, maxfwhm=50.0, minelipse=0.5, edgew=0.01, ee_total_radius=10): """Pick the first good object within the given field. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Data array of the field. peak_radius, threshold See :meth:`find_bright_peaks`. bright_radius, fwhm_radius, ee_total_radius See :meth:`evaluate_peaks`. minfwhm, maxfwhm, minelipse, edgew See :meth:`objlist_select`. Returns ------- result : `ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` This is a single element of ``objlist`` as described in :meth:`evaluate_peaks`. Raises ------ IQCalcError No object matches selection criteria. """ height, width = data.shape # Find the bright peaks in the image peaks = self.find_bright_peaks(data, radius=peak_radius, threshold=threshold) self.logger.debug("peaks=%s" % str(peaks)) if len(peaks) == 0: raise IQCalcError("Cannot find bright peaks") # Evaluate those peaks objlist = self.evaluate_peaks(peaks, data, bright_radius=bright_radius, fwhm_radius=fwhm_radius, ee_total_radius=ee_total_radius) if len(objlist) == 0: raise IQCalcError("Error evaluating bright peaks") results = self.objlist_select(objlist, width, height, minfwhm=minfwhm, maxfwhm=maxfwhm, minelipse=minelipse, edgew=edgew) if len(results) == 0: raise IQCalcError("No object matches selection criteria") return results[0]
[docs] def qualsize(self, image, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, radius=5, bright_radius=2, fwhm_radius=15, threshold=None, minfwhm=2.0, maxfwhm=50.0, minelipse=0.5, edgew=0.01, ee_total_radius=10): """Run :meth:`pick_field` on the given image. Parameters ---------- image : `ginga.AstroImage.AstroImage` Image to process. x1, y1, x2, y2 : int See :meth:`ginga.BaseImage.BaseImage.cutout_data`. radius, threshold See :meth:`find_bright_peaks`. bright_radius, fwhm_radius, ee_total_radius See :meth:`evaluate_peaks`. minfwhm, maxfwhm, minelipse, edgew See :meth:`objlist_select`. Returns ------- qs : `ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` This is a single element of ``objlist`` as described in :meth:`evaluate_peaks`. """ if x1 is None: x1 = 0 if y1 is None: y1 = 0 if x2 is None: x2 = image.width if y2 is None: y2 = image.height x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2) data = image.cutout_data(x1, y1, x2, y2, astype=float) qs = self.pick_field(data, peak_radius=radius, bright_radius=bright_radius, fwhm_radius=fwhm_radius, threshold=threshold, minfwhm=minfwhm, maxfwhm=maxfwhm, minelipse=minelipse, edgew=edgew, ee_total_radius=ee_total_radius) # Add back in offsets into image to get correct values with respect # to the entire image qs.x += x1 qs.y += y1 qs.objx += x1 qs.objy += y1 self.logger.debug("obj=%f,%f fwhm=%f sky=%f bright=%f" % ( qs.objx, qs.objy, qs.fwhm, qs.skylevel, qs.brightness)) return qs