Source code for ginga.canvas.CanvasObject

# -- base class for shapes drawn on ginga canvases.
# This is open-source software licensed under a BSD license.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt for details.
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple

from ginga.misc import Callback, Bunch
from ginga import trcalc, colors

from . import coordmap

__all__ = ['CanvasObjectBase', 'get_canvas_type', 'get_canvas_types',
           'register_canvas_type', 'register_canvas_types']

colors_plus_none = [None] + colors.get_colors()

coord_names = ['data', 'wcs', 'cartesian', 'percentage', 'window']

Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])

class EditPoint(Point):
    edit_color = 'yellow'

class MovePoint(EditPoint):
    edit_color = 'orangered'

class ScalePoint(EditPoint):
    edit_color = 'green'

class RotatePoint(EditPoint):
    edit_color = 'skyblue'

class CanvasObjectError(Exception):

[docs]class CanvasObjectBase(Callback.Callbacks): """This is the abstract base class for a CanvasObject. A CanvasObject is an item that can be placed on a ImageViewCanvas. This class defines common methods used by all such objects. """ def __init__(self, **kwdargs): if not hasattr(self, 'cb'): Callback.Callbacks.__init__(self) self.cap = 'ball' self.cap_radius = 4 self.editable = True self.pickable = False self.coord = 'data' self.ref_obj = None self.__dict__.update(kwdargs) = None self.crdmap = None self.tag = None if not hasattr(self, 'kind'): self.kind = None # For debugging = None self.viewer = None # For callbacks for name in ('edited', 'pick-down', 'pick-move', 'pick-up', 'pick-hover', 'pick-enter', 'pick-leave', 'pick-key'): self.enable_callback(name)
[docs] def initialize(self, canvas, viewer, logger): self.viewer = viewer self.logger = logger if self.crdmap is None: if self.coord is None: # default mapping is to data coordinates self.coord = 'data' if self.coord == 'offset': self.crdmap = coordmap.OffsetMapper(viewer, self.ref_obj) else: self.crdmap = viewer.get_coordmap(self.coord)
[docs] def sync_state(self): """This method called when changes are made to the parameters. subclasses should override if they need any special state handling. """ pass
[docs] def set_data(self, **kwdargs): if is None: = Bunch.Bunch(kwdargs) else:
[docs] def get_data(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: return elif len(args) == 1: return[args[0]] elif len(args) == 2: try: return[args[0]] except KeyError: return args[1] else: raise CanvasObjectError( "method get_data() takes at most 2 arguments")
[docs] def use_coordmap(self, mapobj): self.crdmap = mapobj
[docs] def canvascoords(self, viewer, data_x, data_y, center=None): if center is not None: self.logger.warn( "`center` keyword is ignored and will be deprecated") return viewer.get_canvas_xy(data_x, data_y)
[docs] def is_compound(self): return False
[docs] def contains_pts(self, points): contains = np.asarray([False] * len(points)) return contains
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt): pts = np.asarray([pt]) return self.contains_pts(pts)[0]
[docs] def select_contains_pt(self, viewer, pt): return self.contains_pt(pt)
[docs] def draw_arrowhead(self, cr, x1, y1, x2, y2): i1, j1, i2, j2 = self.calc_vertexes(x1, y1, x2, y2) alpha = getattr(self, 'alpha', 1.0) cr.set_fill(self.color, alpha=alpha) cr.draw_polygon(((x2, y2), (i1, j1), (i2, j2))) cr.set_fill(None)
[docs] def draw_caps(self, cr, cap, points, radius=None): i = 0 for pt in points: cx, cy = pt[:2] if radius is None: radius = self.cap_radius alpha = getattr(self, 'alpha', 1.0) if cap == 'ball': color = self.color # Draw edit control points in different colors than the others if isinstance(pt, EditPoint): cr.set_fill('black', alpha=alpha) cr.draw_circle(cx, cy, radius + 2.0) color = pt.edit_color cr.set_fill(color, alpha=alpha) cr.draw_circle(cx, cy, radius) #cr.set_fill(self, None) i += 1
[docs] def draw_edit(self, cr, viewer): bbox = self.get_bbox() cpoints = self.get_cpoints(viewer, points=bbox, no_rotate=True) cr.set_fill(None) cr.set_line(color='cyan', style='dash') cr.draw_polygon(cpoints) points = self.get_edit_points(viewer) cpoints = self.get_cpoints(viewer, points=points) # preserve point types for coloring def _map_cpt(pt, cpt): if isinstance(pt, EditPoint): return pt.__class__(*cpt) return cpt cpoints = tuple([_map_cpt(points[i], cpoints[i]) for i in range(len(points))]) self.draw_caps(cr, 'ball', cpoints)
[docs] def calc_radius(self, viewer, p1, p2): x1, y1 = p1[:2] x2, y2 = p2[:2] # TODO: the accuracy of this calculation of radius might be improved? radius = np.sqrt(abs(y2 - y1)**2 + abs(x2 - x1)**2) return (x1, y1, radius)
[docs] def calc_vertexes(self, start_cx, start_cy, end_cx, end_cy, arrow_length=10, arrow_degrees=0.35): angle = np.arctan2(end_cy - start_cy, end_cx - start_cx) + np.pi cx1 = end_cx + arrow_length * np.cos(angle - arrow_degrees) cy1 = end_cy + arrow_length * np.sin(angle - arrow_degrees) cx2 = end_cx + arrow_length * np.cos(angle + arrow_degrees) cy2 = end_cy + arrow_length * np.sin(angle + arrow_degrees) return (cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2)
[docs] def swapxy(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): if x2 < x1: x1, x2 = x2, x1 if y2 < y1: y1, y2 = y2, y1 return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
[docs] def scale_font(self, viewer): scale = viewer.get_scale_max() basesize = getattr(self, 'fontsize', 10.0) if basesize is None: basesize = 10.0 min_size = getattr(self, 'fontsize_min', 2.0) n = 1.4 fontsize = max(min_size, basesize + np.log(scale) / np.log(n)) max_size = getattr(self, 'fontsize_max', None) if max_size is not None: fontsize = min(max_size, fontsize) return fontsize
[docs] def get_points(self): """Get the set of points that is used to draw the object. Points are returned in *data* coordinates. """ if hasattr(self, 'points'): points = self.crdmap.to_data(self.points) else: points = [] return points
[docs] def get_data_points(self, points=None): """Points returned are in data coordinates.""" if points is None: points = self.points points = self.crdmap.to_data(points) return points
[docs] def set_data_points(self, points): """ Input `points` must be in data coordinates, will be converted to the coordinate space of the object and stored. """ self.points = np.asarray(self.crdmap.data_to(points))
[docs] def rotate_deg(self, thetas, offset): points = np.asarray(self.get_data_points(), dtype=np.double) points = trcalc.rotate_coord(points, thetas, offset) self.set_data_points(points)
[docs] def rotate_by_deg(self, thetas): ref_pt = self.get_reference_pt() self.rotate_deg(thetas, ref_pt)
[docs] def rerotate_by_deg(self, thetas, detail): ref_pt = detail.center_pos points = np.asarray(detail.points, dtype=np.double) points = trcalc.rotate_coord(points, thetas, ref_pt) self.set_data_points(points)
[docs] def move_delta_pt(self, off_pt): points = np.asarray(self.get_data_points(), dtype=np.double) points = np.add(points, off_pt) self.set_data_points(points)
[docs] def move_to_pt(self, dst_pt): ref_pt = self.get_reference_pt() off_pt = np.subtract(dst_pt, ref_pt) self.move_delta_pt(off_pt)
[docs] def get_num_points(self): return(len(self.points))
[docs] def set_point_by_index(self, i, pt): #self.points[i] = self.crdmap.data_to(pt) # Can we eventually use something like the above? points = np.asarray(self.points, dtype=np.float) points[i] = self.crdmap.data_to(pt) self.points = points
[docs] def get_point_by_index(self, i): return self.crdmap.to_data(self.points[i])
[docs] def scale_by_factors(self, factors): ctr_pt = self.get_center_pt() pts = np.asarray(self.get_data_points(), dtype=np.double) pts = np.add(np.multiply(np.subtract(pts, ctr_pt), factors), ctr_pt) self.set_data_points(pts)
[docs] def rescale_by_factors(self, factors, detail): ctr_pt = detail.center_pos pts = np.asarray(detail.points, dtype=np.double) pts = np.add(np.multiply(np.subtract(pts, ctr_pt), factors), ctr_pt) self.set_data_points(pts)
[docs] def setup_edit(self, detail): """subclass should override as necessary.""" detail.center_pos = self.get_center_pt()
[docs] def calc_rotation_from_pt(self, pt, detail): x, y = pt[:2] ctr_x, ctr_y = detail.center_pos[:2] start_x, start_y = detail.start_pos[:2] # calc angle of starting point wrt origin deg1 = np.degrees(np.arctan2(start_y - ctr_y, start_x - ctr_x)) # calc angle of current point wrt origin deg2 = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y - ctr_y, x - ctr_x)) delta_deg = deg2 - deg1 return delta_deg
[docs] def calc_scale_from_pt(self, pt, detail): x, y = pt[:2] ctr_x, ctr_y = detail.center_pos[:2] start_x, start_y = detail.start_pos[:2] dx, dy = start_x - ctr_x, start_y - ctr_y # calc distance of starting point wrt origin dist1 = np.sqrt(dx**2.0 + dy**2.0) dx, dy = x - ctr_x, y - ctr_y # calc distance of current point wrt origin dist2 = np.sqrt(dx**2.0 + dy**2.0) scale_f = dist2 / dist1 return scale_f
[docs] def calc_dual_scale_from_pt(self, pt, detail): x, y = pt[:2] ctr_x, ctr_y = detail.center_pos[:2] start_x, start_y = detail.start_pos[:2] # calc distance of starting point wrt origin dx, dy = start_x - ctr_x, start_y - ctr_y # calc distance of current point wrt origin ex, ey = x - ctr_x, y - ctr_y scale_x, scale_y = float(ex) / dx, float(ey) / dy return scale_x, scale_y
[docs] def convert_mapper(self, tomap): """ Converts our object from using one coordinate map to another. NOTE: In some cases this only approximately preserves the equivalent point values when transforming between coordinate spaces. """ frommap = self.crdmap if frommap == tomap: return # mild hack to convert radii on objects that have them if hasattr(self, 'radius'): # get coordinates of a point radius away from center # under current coordmap x0, y0 = frommap.offset_pt((self.x, self.y), (self.radius, 0)) pts = frommap.to_data(((self.x, self.y), (x0, y0))) pts = tomap.data_to(pts) self.radius = np.fabs(pts[1][0] - pts[0][0]) elif hasattr(self, 'xradius'): # similar to above case, but there are 2 radii x0, y0 = frommap.offset_pt((self.x, self.y), (self.xradius, self.yradius)) pts = frommap.to_data(((self.x, self.y), (x0, y0))) pts = tomap.data_to(pts) self.xradius = np.fabs(pts[1][0] - pts[0][0]) self.yradius = np.fabs(pts[1][1] - pts[0][1]) data_pts = self.get_data_points() # set our map to the new map self.crdmap = tomap self.set_data_points(data_pts)
[docs] def point_within_radius(self, points, pt, canvas_radius, scales=(1.0, 1.0)): """Points `points` and point `pt` are in data coordinates. Return True for points within the circle defined by a center at point `pt` and within canvas_radius. """ scale_x, scale_y = scales x, y = pt a_arr, b_arr = np.asarray(points).T dx = np.fabs(x - a_arr) * scale_x dy = np.fabs(y - b_arr) * scale_y new_radius = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) res = (new_radius <= canvas_radius) return res
[docs] def within_radius(self, viewer, points, pt, canvas_radius): """Points `points` and point `pt` are in data coordinates. Return True for points within the circle defined by a center at point `pt` and within canvas_radius. The distance between points is scaled by the canvas scale. """ scales = viewer.get_scale_xy() return self.point_within_radius(points, pt, canvas_radius, scales)
[docs] def get_pt(self, viewer, points, pt, canvas_radius=None): """Takes an array of points `points` and a target point `pt`. Returns the first index of the point that is within the radius of the target point. If none of the points are within the radius, returns None. """ if canvas_radius is None: canvas_radius = self.cap_radius if hasattr(self, 'rot_deg'): # rotate point back to cartesian alignment for test ctr_pt = self.get_center_pt() pt = trcalc.rotate_coord(pt, [-self.rot_deg], ctr_pt) res = self.within_radius(viewer, points, pt, canvas_radius) return np.flatnonzero(res)
[docs] def point_within_line(self, points, p_start, p_stop, canvas_radius): # TODO: is there an algorithm with the cross and dot products # that is more efficient? r = canvas_radius x1, y1 = p_start x2, y2 = p_stop xmin, xmax = min(x1, x2) - r, max(x1, x2) + r ymin, ymax = min(y1, y2) - r, max(y1, y2) + r div = np.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) a_arr, b_arr = np.asarray(points).T d = np.fabs((x2 - x1) * (y1 - b_arr) - (x1 - a_arr) * (y2 - y1)) / div contains = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(xmin <= a_arr, a_arr <= xmax), np.logical_and(d <= canvas_radius, np.logical_and(ymin <= b_arr, b_arr <= ymax))) return contains
[docs] def within_line(self, viewer, points, p_start, p_stop, canvas_radius): """Points `points` and line endpoints `p_start`, `p_stop` are in data coordinates. Return True for points within the line defined by a line from p_start to p_end and within `canvas_radius`. The distance between points is scaled by the viewer's canvas scale. """ scale_x, scale_y = viewer.get_scale_xy() new_radius = canvas_radius * 1.0 / min(scale_x, scale_y) return self.point_within_line(points, p_start, p_stop, new_radius)
[docs] def get_center_pt(self): """Return the geometric average of points as data_points. """ P = np.asarray(self.get_data_points(), dtype=np.double) x = P[:, 0] y = P[:, 1] ctr_x = np.sum(x) / float(len(x)) ctr_y = np.sum(y) / float(len(y)) return ctr_x, ctr_y
[docs] def get_reference_pt(self): return self.get_center_pt()
[docs] def get_move_scale_rotate_pts(self, viewer): """Returns 3 edit control points for editing this object: a move point, a scale point and a rotate point. These points are all in data coordinates. """ scale = viewer.get_scale_min() ref_x, ref_y = self.get_center_pt() xl, yl, xu, yu = self.get_llur() offset = 8.0 / scale scl_x, scl_y = xl - offset, yl - offset rot_x, rot_y = xu + offset, yu + offset if hasattr(self, 'rot_deg'): # if this is an object with a rotation attribute, pre rotate # the control points in the opposite direction, because they # will be rotated back theta = -self.rot_deg scl_x, scl_y = trcalc.rotate_pt(scl_x, scl_y, theta, xoff=ref_x, yoff=ref_y) rot_x, rot_y = trcalc.rotate_pt(rot_x, rot_y, theta, xoff=ref_x, yoff=ref_y) move_pt = MovePoint(ref_x, ref_y) scale_pt = ScalePoint(scl_x, scl_y) rotate_pt = RotatePoint(rot_x, rot_y) return (move_pt, scale_pt, rotate_pt)
[docs] def get_cpoints(self, viewer, points=None, no_rotate=False): # If points are passed, they are assumed to be in data space if points is None: points = self.get_points() if (not no_rotate) and hasattr(self, 'rot_deg') and self.rot_deg != 0.0: # rotate vertices according to rotation ctr_x, ctr_y = self.get_center_pt() points = trcalc.rotate_coord(points, [self.rot_deg], (ctr_x, ctr_y)) crdmap = viewer.get_coordmap('native') return crdmap.data_to(points)
[docs] def get_bbox(self, points=None): """ Get bounding box of this object. Returns ------- (p1, p2, p3, p4): a 4-tuple of the points in data coordinates, beginning with the lower-left and proceeding counter-clockwise. """ if points is None: x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.get_llur() return ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)) else: return trcalc.strip_z(trcalc.get_bounds(points))
[docs] def move_delta(self, xoff, yoff): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use move_delta_pt instead. """ self.move_delta_pt((xoff, yoff))
[docs] def move_to(self, xdst, ydst): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use move_to_pt() instead. """ self.move_to_pt((xdst, ydst))
[docs] def scale_by(self, scale_x, scale_y): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use scale_by_factors() instead. """ self.scale_by_factors((scale_x, scale_y))
[docs] def rescale_by(self, scale_x, scale_y, detail): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use rescale_by_factors() instead. """ self.rescale_by_factors((scale_x, scale_y), detail)
[docs] def rotate(self, theta_deg, xoff=0, yoff=0): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use rotate_deg() instead. """ self.rotate_deg([theta_deg], (xoff, yoff))
[docs] def rotate_by(self, theta_deg): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use rotate_by_deg() instead. """ self.rotate_by_deg([theta_deg])
[docs] def contains_arr(self, x_arr, y_arr): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use contains_pts() instead. """ pts = np.asarray((x_arr, y_arr)).T return self.contains_pts(pts)
[docs] def contains(self, x, y): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use contains_pt() instead. """ return self.contains_pt((x, y))
[docs] def select_contains(self, viewer, x, y): """For backward compatibility. TO BE DEPRECATED--DO NOT USE. Use select_contains_pt() instead. """ return self.select_contains_pt(viewer, (x, y))
# this is the data structure to which drawing classes are registered drawCatalog = Bunch.Bunch(caseless=True)
[docs]def get_canvas_types(): # force registration of all canvas types import ginga.canvas.types.all # noqa return drawCatalog
[docs]def get_canvas_type(name): # force registration of all canvas types import ginga.canvas.types.all # noqa return drawCatalog[name]
[docs]def register_canvas_type(name, klass): global drawCatalog drawCatalog[name] = klass
[docs]def register_canvas_types(klass_dict): global drawCatalog drawCatalog.update(klass_dict)
# funky boolean converter _bool = lambda st: str(st).lower() == 'true' # noqa # color converter _color = lambda name: name # noqa # END