Quick Reference

Main image window

These keyboard and mouse operations are available when the main image window has the focus.

Mode control commands

About modes

Certain keystrokes invoke a mode—modes are usually indicated by the mode indicator: a small black rectangle with the mode name in one corner of the view. In a mode, there are usually some special key, cursor, and scroll bindings that override some of the default ones.

Modes additionally have a mode type which can be set to one of the following:

  • held: mode is active while the activating key is held down
  • oneshot: mode is released by initiating and finishing a cursor drag or when Esc is pressed, if no cursor drag is performed
  • locked: mode is locked until the mode key is pressed again (or Esc)
  • softlock: mode is locked until another mode key is pressed (or Esc)

By default, most modes are activated in “oneshot” type, unless the mode lock is toggled. The mode type is indicated in the brackets after the mode name in the mode indicator. The following keys are important for initiating a mode:

Commmand Description
Space Enter “meta” mode. Next keystroke will trigger a particular mode.
Esc Exit any mode. Does not toggle the lock.
l Toggle the soft lock to the current mode or any future modes.
L Toggle the normal lock to the current mode or any future modes.

“meta” mode

Most modes are defined so that they are invoked from a special intermediate mode called “meta”. In that case a two-key sequence is required to enter the mode: pressing the key that invokes “meta” and then pressing the key that invokes the desired mode. The following table shows the modes that can be triggered from meta mode.

Commmand Description
Space Exit/Enter “meta” mode.
b Enter draw mode (canvas must be enabled to draw).
q Enter pan mode.
w Enter freepan mode.
r Enter rotate mode.
t Enter contrast mode.
y Enter cmap (color map) mode.
s Enter cuts mode.
d Enter dist (distribution) mode.


For modes initiated from meta mode, the locked and softlock mode types work the same way, which is slightly different from that described above: you press the meta mode key to switch back to meta mode, from which you can enter another mode by pressing its key. You can always press Esc in any mode (including meta mode) to exit the mode.

Panning and zooming commands

Commmand Description
Scroll wheel turned Zoom in or out.
Shift + scroll wheel Zoom while keeping location under the cursor.
Ctrl + scroll wheel turned Pan in direction of scroll.
Digit (1234567890) Zoom image to zoom steps 1, 2, …, 9, 10.
Shift + Digit Zoom image to zoom steps -1, -2, …, -9, -10.
Backquote (`) Zoom image to fit window and center it.
Minus, Underscore (-, _) Zoom out.
Equals, Plus (=, +) Zoom in.
Middle (scroll) button click Set pan position (under cursor).
p Set pan position (under cursor) for zooming.
Shift + left-click Set pan position for zooming.
Shift + arrow key Move pan position 1 pixel in that direction.
c Set pan position to the center of the image.
q Enter Pan mode.
w Free Freepan mode.
Ctrl + left-drag Proportional pan (press and drag left mouse button.
slash (/) Set autocenter for new images to override.
question (?) Toggle autocenter for images to on or off.
apostrophe (‘) Set autozoom for new images to override.
double quote (“) Toggle autozoom for new images to on or off.

Cut levels and colormap commands

Commmand Description
a Auto cut levels.
d Enter Color Distribution (“dist”) mode. See Dist mode.
D Reset color distribution algorithm to “linear”.
s Enter Cuts mode.
t Enter Contrast mode.
T Restore the contrast (via colormap) to its original (unstretched, unshifted) state.
y Enter CMap (color map) mode.
Y Restore the color map to default (gray).
I Invert the color map.
semicolon (;) Set autocuts for new images to override.
colon (:) Toggle autocuts for new images to on or off.

Transform commands

Commmand Description
Left bracket ([) Toggle flip image in X.
Left brace ({) Reset to no flip of image in X.
Right bracket (]) Toggle flip image in Y.
Right brace (}) Reset to no flip image in Y.
Backslash (\) Swap X and Y axes.
Vertical bar (|) Reset to no swap of X and Y axes.
r Enter Rotate mode.
R Restore rotation to 0 degrees and additionally undo any flip/swap transformations.
period (.) Increment current rotation by 90 degrees.
comma (,) Decrement current rotation by 90 degrees.
o Orient image by transforms and rotation so that WCS indicates North=Up and East=Left.
O Orient image by transforms and rotation so that WCS indicates North=Up and East=Right.

Pan mode

Commmand Description
left-drag Pan proportionally to drag.
middle-click Set pan position.
right-drag Zoom in/out proportionally to L/R drag.
<Modifier> + arrow key Pan in direction of arrow key. Adding Ctrl reduces amount, adding Shift reduces more.
p Pan to position under cursor.
z Save current scale (see below for use).
backquote (`) Zoom to fit window and center.
1 Pan to cursor and zoom to saved scale level (or 1:1 if no scale level saved).
c Set pan position to the center of the image.
slash (/) Set autocenter for new images to override.
question (?) Toggle autocenter for images to on or off.
apostrophe (‘) Set autozoom for new images to override.
double quote (“) Toggle autozoom for new images to on or off.

Freepan mode

Commmand Description
Turn scroll wheel Zoom while keeping location under the cursor.
left-click Set pan position, zoom in a step and warp cursor to pan position (if supported on backend).
right-click Set pan position, zoom out a step and warp cursor to pan position (if supported on backend).
middle-drag Pans freely over entire image in proportion to cursor position versus window.
p, z, backquote, 1, c, arrow keys (Same as for Pan mode.)

Dist mode

Commmand Description
scroll Select distribution from linear, log, etc.
b, up-arrow Select prev distribution in list.
n, down-arrow Select next distribution in list.
D Reset color distribution algorithm to “linear”.

Cuts mode

Commmand Description
left-drag Interactive cut both low and high levels (vertical cuts low, horizontal cuts high).
Ctrl + left-drag Interactive cut low level only (horizontal drag).
Shift + left-drag Interactive cut high level only (horizontal drag).
scroll Coarse (10%) adjustment in/out.
Ctrl + scroll Fine (1%) adjustment in/out.
a, right-click Do an auto level to restore cuts.
S Set cuts to min/max values.
A Set cuts to 0/255 values (for 8bpp RGB images).
b, up-arrow Select prev auto cuts algorithm in list.
n, down-arrow Select next auto cuts algorithm in list.
semicolon (;) Set autocuts for new images to override.
colon (:) Toggle autocuts for new images to on or off.

Contrast mode

Commmand Description
left-drag Interactive shift/stretch colormap (AKA contrast and bias). L/R controls shift, U/D controls stretch.
right-click Restore the contrast (via colormap) to its original (unstretched, unshifted) state.
T Restore the contrast (via colormap) to its original (unstretched, unshifted) state.

Rotate mode

Commmand Description
left-drag Drag around center of window to rotate image.
right-click Restore rotation to 0 degrees (does not reset any flip/swap transformations).
R Restore rotation to 0 degrees and additionally undo any flip/swap transformations.
Left bracket ([) Toggle flip image in X.
Left brace ({) Reset to no flip of image in X.
Right bracket (]) Toggle flip image in Y.
Right brace (}) Reset to no flip image in Y.
Backslash (\) Swap X and Y axes.
Vertical bar (|) Reset to no swap of X and Y axes.
period (.) Increment current rotation by 90 degrees.
comma (,) Decrement current rotation by 90 degrees.
o Orient image by transforms and rotation so that WCS indicates North=Up and East=Left.
O Orient image by transforms and rotation so that WCS indicates North=Up and East=Right.

Cmap mode

Commmand Description
scroll Select color map.
left-drag Rotate color map.
right-click Unrotate color map.
b, up-arrow Select prev color map in list.
n, down-arrow Select next color map in list.
I Toggle invert color map.
r Restore color map to unrotated, uninverted state.
Ctrl + scroll Select intensity map.
j, left-arrow Select prev intensity map in list.
k, right-arrow Select next intensity map in list.
i Restore intensity map to “ramp”.
c Toggle a color bar overlay on the image.
Y Restore the color map to default (‘gray’).

Autozoom setting

The “autozoom” setting can be set to one of the following: “on”, “override”, “once” or “off”. This affects the behavior of the viewer when changing to a new image (when done in the typical way) as follows:

  • on: the image will be scaled to fit the window
  • override: like on, except that once the zoom/scale is changed by the user manually it turns the setting to off
  • once: like on, except that the setting is turned to off after the first image
  • off: an image scaled to the current viewer setting

(In the Reference Viewer, this is set under the “Zoom New” setting in the channel preferences.)

Autocenter setting

The “autocenter” setting can be set to one of the following: “on”, “override”, “once” or “off”. This affects the behavior of the viewer when changing to a new image (when done in the typical way) as follows:

  • on: the pan position will be set to the center of the image
  • override: like on, except that once the pan position is changed by the user manually it turns the setting to off
  • once: like on, except that the setting is turned to off after the first image
  • off: the pan position is taken from the current viewer setting

(In the Reference Viewer, this is set under the “Center New” setting in the channel preferences.)

Autocuts setting

The “autocuts” setting can be set to one of following: “on”, “override”, “once” or “off”. This affects the behavior of the viewer when changing to a new image (when done in the typical way) as follows:

  • on: the cut levels for the image will be calculated and set according to the autocuts algorithm setting
  • override: like on, except that once the cut levels are changed by the user manually it turns the setting to off
  • once: like on, except that the setting is turned to off after the first image
  • off: the cut levels are applied from the current viewer setting

(In the ref:Reference Viewer, this is set under the “Cut New” setting in the channel preferences.)

Reference Viewer Only

Commmand Description
H Raise Header tab.
Z Raise Zoom tab.
D Raise Dialogs tab.
C Raise Contents tab.
less than (<) Toggle collapse left pane.
greater than (>) Toggle collapse right pane.
f Toggle full screen.
F Panoramic full screen.
m Maximize window.
J Cycle workspace type (tabs/mdi/stack/grid). Note that “mdi” type is not supported on all platforms.
k Add a channel with a generic name.
Left, Right (arrow keys) Previous/Next channel.
Up, Down (arrow keys) Previous/Next image in channel.


If there are one or more plugins active, additional mouse or keyboard bindings may be present. In general, the left mouse button is used to select, pick or move, and the right mouse button is used to draw a shape for the operation.

On the Mac, Ctrl + mouse button can also be used to draw or right-click. You can also invoke draw mode as described above in the section on modes.