Source code for ginga.util.wcs

# -- calculations based on world coordinate system.
# Eric Jeschke (
# Takeshi Inagaki
# Bruce Bon
# This is open-source software licensed under a BSD license.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt for details.
"""This module handles calculations based on world coordinate system."""
import math
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from ginga.misc import Bunch

__all__ = ['hmsToDeg', 'dmsToDeg', 'decTimeToDeg', 'degToHms', 'degToDms',
           'arcsecToDeg', 'hmsStrToDeg', 'dmsStrToDeg', 'raDegToString',
           'decDegToString', 'trans_coeff', 'eqToEq2000',
           'get_xy_rotation_and_scale', 'get_rotation_and_scale',
           'get_relative_orientation', 'simple_wcs', 'deg2fmt', 'dispos',
           'deltaStarsRaDecDeg1', 'deltaStarsRaDecDeg2', 'get_starsep_RaDecDeg',
           'add_offset_radec', 'get_RaDecOffsets', 'lon_to_deg', 'lat_to_deg']

class WCSError(Exception):

degPerHMSHour = 15.0        # 360/24
degPerHMSMin = 0.25         # 360.0/24/60
degPerHMSSec = 1.0 / 240.0  # 360.0/24/60/60

degPerDmsMin = 1.0 / 60.0
degPerDmsSec = 1.0 / 3600.0

HMSHourPerDeg = 1.0 / 15.0
HMSMinPerDeg = 4.0
HMSSecPerDeg = 240.0

[docs]def hmsToDeg(h, m, s): """Convert RA hours, minutes, seconds into an angle in degrees.""" return h * degPerHMSHour + m * degPerHMSMin + s * degPerHMSSec
[docs]def dmsToDeg(sign, deg, min, sec): """Convert dec sign, degrees, minutes, seconds into a signed angle in degrees.""" return sign * (deg + min * degPerDmsMin + sec * degPerDmsSec)
[docs]def decTimeToDeg(sign_sym, deg, min, sec): """Convert dec sign, degrees, minutes, seconds into a signed angle in degrees. ``sign_sym`` may represent negative as either '-' or numeric -1.""" if sign_sym == -1 or sign_sym == '-': sign = -1 else: sign = 1 return dmsToDeg(sign, deg, min, sec)
[docs]def degToHms(ra): """Converts the ra (in degrees) to HMS three tuple. H and M are in integer and the S part is in float. """ assert (ra >= 0.0), WCSError("RA (%f) is negative" % (ra)) assert ra < 360.0, WCSError("RA (%f) > 360.0" % (ra)) rah = ra / degPerHMSHour ramin = (ra % degPerHMSHour) * HMSMinPerDeg rasec = (ra % degPerHMSMin) * HMSSecPerDeg return (int(rah), int(ramin), rasec)
[docs]def degToDms(dec, isLatitude=True): """Convert the dec, in degrees, to an (sign,D,M,S) tuple. D and M are integer, and sign and S are float. """ if isLatitude: assert dec <= 90, WCSError("DEC (%f) > 90.0" % (dec)) assert dec >= -90, WCSError("DEC (%f) < -90.0" % (dec)) if dec < 0.0: sign = -1.0 else: sign = 1.0 dec = dec * sign #mnt = (dec % 1.0) * 60.0 #sec = (dec % (1.0/60.0)) * 3600.0 # this calculation with return values produces conversion problem. # e.g. dec +311600.00 -> 31.2666666667 degree # deg=31 min=15 sec=60 instead deg=31 min=16 sec=0.0 # bug fixed mnt, sec = divmod(dec * 3600, 60) deg, mnt = divmod(mnt, 60) return (int(sign), int(deg), int(mnt), sec)
[docs]def arcsecToDeg(arcsec): """Convert numeric arcseconds (aka DMS seconds) to degrees of arc. """ return arcsec * degPerDmsSec
[docs]def hmsStrToDeg(ra): """Convert a string representation of RA into a float in degrees.""" hour, min, sec = ra.split(':') ra_deg = hmsToDeg(int(hour), int(min), float(sec)) return ra_deg
[docs]def dmsStrToDeg(dec): """Convert a string representation of DEC into a float in degrees.""" sign_deg, min, sec = dec.split(':') sign = sign_deg[0:1] if sign not in ('+', '-'): sign = '+' deg = sign_deg else: deg = sign_deg[1:] dec_deg = decTimeToDeg(sign, int(deg), int(min), float(sec)) return dec_deg
[docs]def raDegToString(ra_deg, format='%02d:%02d:%06.3f'): if ra_deg > 360.0: ra_deg = math.fmod(ra_deg, 360.0) ra_hour, ra_min, ra_sec = degToHms(ra_deg) return format % (ra_hour, ra_min, ra_sec)
[docs]def decDegToString(dec_deg, format='%s%02d:%02d:%05.2f'): sign, dec_degree, dec_min, dec_sec = degToDms(dec_deg) if sign > 0: sign_sym = '+' else: sign_sym = '-' return format % (sign_sym, int(dec_degree), int(dec_min), dec_sec)
[docs]def trans_coeff(eq, x, y, z): """This function is provided by MOKA2 Development Team (1996.xx.xx) and used in SOSS system.""" tt = (eq - 2000.0) / 100.0 zeta = 2306.2181 * tt + 0.30188 * tt * tt + 0.017998 * tt * tt * tt zetto = 2306.2181 * tt + 1.09468 * tt * tt + 0.018203 * tt * tt * tt theta = 2004.3109 * tt - 0.42665 * tt * tt - 0.041833 * tt * tt * tt zeta = math.radians(zeta) / 3600.0 zetto = math.radians(zetto) / 3600.0 theta = math.radians(theta) / 3600.0 p11 = (math.cos(zeta) * math.cos(theta) * math.cos(zetto) - math.sin(zeta) * math.sin(zetto)) p12 = (-math.sin(zeta) * math.cos(theta) * math.cos(zetto) - math.cos(zeta) * math.sin(zetto)) p13 = -math.sin(theta) * math.cos(zetto) p21 = (math.cos(zeta) * math.cos(theta) * math.sin(zetto) + math.sin(zeta) * math.cos(zetto)) p22 = (-math.sin(zeta) * math.cos(theta) * math.sin(zetto) + math.cos(zeta) * math.cos(zetto)) p23 = -math.sin(theta) * math.sin(zetto) p31 = math.cos(zeta) * math.sin(theta) p32 = -math.sin(zeta) * math.sin(theta) p33 = math.cos(theta) return (p11, p12, p13, p21, p22, p23, p31, p32, p33)
[docs]def eqToEq2000(ra_deg, dec_deg, eq): """Convert Eq to Eq 2000.""" ra_rad = math.radians(ra_deg) dec_rad = math.radians(dec_deg) x = math.cos(dec_rad) * math.cos(ra_rad) y = math.cos(dec_rad) * math.sin(ra_rad) z = math.sin(dec_rad) p11, p12, p13, p21, p22, p23, p31, p32, p33 = trans_coeff(eq, x, y, z) x0 = p11 * x + p21 * y + p31 * z y0 = p12 * x + p22 * y + p32 * z z0 = p13 * x + p23 * y + p33 * z new_dec = math.asin(z0) if x0 == 0.0: new_ra = math.pi / 2.0 else: new_ra = math.atan(y0 / x0) if ((y0 * math.cos(new_dec) > 0.0 and x0 * math.cos(new_dec) <= 0.0) or (y0 * math.cos(new_dec) <= 0.0 and x0 * math.cos(new_dec) < 0.0)): new_ra += math.pi elif new_ra < 0.0: new_ra += 2.0 * math.pi #new_ra = new_ra * 12.0 * 3600.0 / math.pi new_ra_deg = new_ra * 12.0 / math.pi * 15.0 #new_dec = new_dec * 180.0 * 3600.0 / math.pi new_dec_deg = new_dec * 180.0 / math.pi return (new_ra_deg, new_dec_deg)
[docs]def get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header): """ CREDIT: See IDL code at """ def calc_from_cd(cd1_1, cd1_2, cd2_1, cd2_2): # TODO: Check if first coordinate in CTYPE is latitude # if (ctype EQ 'DEC-') or (strmid(ctype, 1) EQ 'LAT') then $ # cd = reverse(cd,1) det = cd1_1 * cd2_2 - cd1_2 * cd2_1 if det < 0: sgn = -1 else: sgn = 1 ## if det > 0: ## raise ValueError("Astrometry is for a right-handed coordinate system") if (cd2_1 == 0.0) or (cd1_2 == 0.0): # Unrotated coordinates? xrot = 0.0 yrot = 0.0 cdelt1 = cd1_1 cdelt2 = cd2_2 else: xrot = math.atan2(sgn * cd1_2, sgn * cd1_1) yrot = math.atan2(-cd2_1, cd2_2) cdelt1 = sgn * math.sqrt(cd1_1**2 + cd1_2**2) cdelt2 = math.sqrt(cd1_1**2 + cd2_1**2) return xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2 def calc_from_crota(): try: crota1 = float(header['CROTA1']) xrot = crota1 except KeyError: xrot = None try: crota2 = float(header['CROTA2']) yrot = crota2 except KeyError: yrot = 0.0 if xrot is None: xrot = yrot cdelt1 = float(header.get('CDELT1', 1.0)) cdelt2 = float(header.get('CDELT2', 1.0)) return xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2 # 1st, check for presence of PC matrix try: pc1_1 = header['PC1_1'] pc1_2 = header['PC1_2'] pc2_1 = header['PC2_1'] pc2_2 = header['PC2_2'] cdelt1 = float(header['CDELT1']) cdelt2 = float(header['CDELT2']) cd1_1, cd1_2 = pc1_1 * cdelt1, pc1_2 * cdelt1 cd2_1, cd2_2 = pc2_1 * cdelt2, pc2_2 * cdelt2 xrot, yrot, cdelt1p, cdelt2p = calc_from_cd(pc1_1, pc1_2, pc2_1, pc2_2) except KeyError: # 2nd, check for presence of CD matrix try: cd1_1 = header['CD1_1'] cd1_2 = header['CD1_2'] cd2_1 = header['CD2_1'] cd2_2 = header['CD2_2'] xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2 = calc_from_cd(cd1_1, cd1_2, cd2_1, cd2_2) except KeyError: # 3rd, check for presence of CROTA keyword # (or default is north=up) xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2 = calc_from_crota() xrot, yrot = math.degrees(xrot), math.degrees(yrot) return ((xrot, yrot), (cdelt1, cdelt2))
[docs]def get_rotation_and_scale(header, skew_threshold=0.001): """Calculate rotation and CDELT.""" ((xrot, yrot), (cdelt1, cdelt2)) = get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header) if math.fabs(xrot) - math.fabs(yrot) > skew_threshold: raise ValueError("Skew detected: xrot=%.4f yrot=%.4f" % ( xrot, yrot)) rot = yrot lonpole = float(header.get('LONPOLE', 180.0)) if lonpole != 180.0: rot += 180.0 - lonpole return (rot, cdelt1, cdelt2)
[docs]def get_relative_orientation(image, ref_image): """Computes the relative orientation and scale of an image to a reference image. Parameters ---------- image AstroImage based object ref_image AstroImage based object Returns ------- result Bunch object containing the relative scale in x and y and the relative rotation in degrees. """ # Get reference image rotation and scale header = ref_image.get_header() ((xrot_ref, yrot_ref), (cdelt1_ref, cdelt2_ref)) = get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header) scale_x, scale_y = math.fabs(cdelt1_ref), math.fabs(cdelt2_ref) # Get rotation and scale of image header = image.get_header() ((xrot, yrot), (cdelt1, cdelt2)) = get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header) # Determine relative scale of this image to the reference rscale_x = math.fabs(cdelt1) / scale_x rscale_y = math.fabs(cdelt2) / scale_y # Figure out rotation relative to our orientation rrot_dx, rrot_dy = xrot - xrot_ref, yrot - yrot_ref # flip_x = False # flip_y = False # ## # Flip X due to negative CDELT1 # ## if np.sign(cdelt1) < 0: # ## flip_x = True # ## # Flip Y due to negative CDELT2 # ## if np.sign(cdelt2) < 0: # ## flip_y = True # # Optomization for 180 rotations # if np.isclose(math.fabs(rrot_dx), 180.0): # flip_x = not flip_x # rrot_dx = 0.0 # if np.isclose(math.fabs(rrot_dy), 180.0): # flip_y = not flip_y # rrot_dy = 0.0 rrot_deg = max(rrot_dx, rrot_dy) res = Bunch.Bunch(rscale_x=rscale_x, rscale_y=rscale_y, rrot_deg=rrot_deg) return res
[docs]def simple_wcs(px_x, px_y, ra_deg, dec_deg, px_scale_deg_px, rot_deg, cdbase=[1, 1]): """Calculate a set of WCS keywords for a 2D simple instrument FITS file with a 'standard' RA/DEC pixel projection. Parameters ---------- px_x (ZERO-based) reference pixel of field in X (usually center of field) px_y (ZERO-based) reference pixel of field in Y (usually center of field) ra_deg RA (in deg) for the reference point dec_deg DEC (in deg) for the reference point px_scale_deg_px Pixel scale (deg/pixel) rot_deg Rotation angle of the field (in deg) cdbase CD base Returns ------- res : dict Ordered dictionary object containing WCS headers. """ # center of the projection crpix = (px_x + 1, px_y + 1) # pixel position (WCS is 1 based) crval = (ra_deg, dec_deg) # RA, Dec (degrees) # image scale in deg/pix cdelt = np.array(cdbase) * px_scale_deg_px # Create rotation matrix for position angle of north (radians E of N) rot_rad = np.radians(rot_deg) cpa = np.cos(rot_rad) spa = np.sin(rot_rad) # a) clockwise rotation pc = np.array([[cpa, spa], [-spa, cpa]]) # b) counter clockwise #pc = np.array([[cpa, -spa], [spa, cpa]]) #cd = pc * cdelt res = OrderedDict((('CRVAL1', crval[0]), ('CRVAL2', crval[1]), ('CRPIX1', crpix[0]), ('CRPIX2', crpix[1]), ('CUNIT1', 'deg'), ('CUNIT2', 'deg'), ('CTYPE1', 'RA---TAN'), ('CTYPE2', 'DEC--TAN'), ('RADESYS', 'FK5'), # Either PC + CDELT or CD should appear # PC + CDELT seems to be the preferred approach # according to the Calabretta papers ('CDELT1', cdelt[0]), ('CDELT2', cdelt[1]), ('PC1_1', pc[0, 0]), ('PC1_2', pc[0, 1]), ('PC2_1', pc[1, 0]), ('PC2_2', pc[1, 1]) ## ('CD1_1' , cd[0, 0]), ## ('CD1_2' , cd[0, 1]), ## ('CD2_1' , cd[1, 0]), ## ('CD2_2' , cd[1, 1]), )) return res
[docs]def deg2fmt(ra_deg, dec_deg, format): """Format coordinates.""" rhr, rmn, rsec = degToHms(ra_deg) dsgn, ddeg, dmn, dsec = degToDms(dec_deg) if format == 'hms': return rhr, rmn, rsec, dsgn, ddeg, dmn, dsec elif format == 'str': #ra_txt = '%02d:%02d:%06.3f' % (rhr, rmn, rsec) ra_txt = '%d:%02d:%06.3f' % (rhr, rmn, rsec) if dsgn < 0: dsgn = '-' else: dsgn = '+' #dec_txt = '%s%02d:%02d:%05.2f' % (dsgn, ddeg, dmn, dsec) dec_txt = '%s%d:%02d:%05.2f' % (dsgn, ddeg, dmn, dsec) return ra_txt, dec_txt
[docs]def dispos(dra0, decd0, dra, decd): """Compute distance and position angle solving a spherical triangle (no approximations). Source/credit: Skycat Author: A.P. Martinez Parameters ---------- dra0 : float Center RA in decimal degrees. decd0 : float Center DEC in decimal degrees. dra : float Point RA in decimal degrees. decd : float Point DEC in decimal degrees. Returns ------- phi : float Phi in degrees (East of North). dist : float Distance in arcmin. """ radian = 180.0 / math.pi # coord transformed in radians alf = dra / radian alf0 = dra0 / radian del_ = decd / radian del0 = decd0 / radian sd0 = math.sin(del0) sd = math.sin(del_) cd0 = math.cos(del0) cd = math.cos(del_) cosda = math.cos(alf - alf0) cosd = sd0 * sd + cd0 * cd * cosda dist = math.acos(cosd) phi = 0.0 if dist > 0.0000004: sind = math.sin(dist) cospa = (sd * cd0 - cd * sd0 * cosda) / sind #if cospa > 1.0: # cospa=1.0 if math.fabs(cospa) > 1.0: # 2005-06-02: fix from cospa = cospa / math.fabs(cospa) sinpa = cd * math.sin(alf - alf0) / sind phi = math.acos(cospa) * radian if sinpa < 0.0: phi = 360.0 - phi dist *= radian dist *= 60.0 if decd0 == 90.0: phi = 180.0 if decd0 == -90.0: phi = 0.0 return (phi, dist)
[docs]def deltaStarsRaDecDeg1(ra1_deg, dec1_deg, ra2_deg, dec2_deg): """Spherical triangulation.""" phi, dist = dispos(ra1_deg, dec1_deg, ra2_deg, dec2_deg) return arcsecToDeg(dist * 60.0)
[docs]def deltaStarsRaDecDeg2(ra1_deg, dec1_deg, ra2_deg, dec2_deg): ra1_rad = math.radians(ra1_deg) dec1_rad = math.radians(dec1_deg) ra2_rad = math.radians(ra2_deg) dec2_rad = math.radians(dec2_deg) sep_rad = math.acos(math.cos(90.0 - dec1_rad) * math.cos(90.0 - dec2_rad) + math.sin(90.0 - dec1_rad) * math.sin(90.0 - dec2_rad) * math.cos(ra1_rad - ra2_rad)) res = math.degrees(sep_rad) return res
# Use spherical triangulation deltaStarsRaDecDeg = deltaStarsRaDecDeg1 """Use spherical triangulation."""
[docs]def get_starsep_RaDecDeg(ra1_deg, dec1_deg, ra2_deg, dec2_deg): """Calculate separation.""" sep = deltaStarsRaDecDeg(ra1_deg, dec1_deg, ra2_deg, dec2_deg) sgn, deg, mn, sec = degToDms(sep) if deg != 0: txt = '%02d:%02d:%06.3f' % (deg, mn, sec) else: txt = '%02d:%06.3f' % (mn, sec) return txt
[docs]def add_offset_radec(ra_deg, dec_deg, delta_deg_ra, delta_deg_dec): """ Algorithm to compute RA/Dec from RA/Dec base position plus tangent plane offsets. """ # To radians x = math.radians(delta_deg_ra) y = math.radians(delta_deg_dec) raz = math.radians(ra_deg) decz = math.radians(dec_deg) sdecz = math.sin(decz) cdecz = math.cos(decz) d = cdecz - y * sdecz ra2 = math.atan2(x, d) + raz # Normalize ra into the range 0 to 2*pi twopi = math.pi * 2 ra2 = math.fmod(ra2, twopi) if ra2 < 0.0: ra2 += twopi dec2 = math.atan2(sdecz + y * cdecz, math.sqrt(x * x + d * d)) # back to degrees ra2_deg = math.degrees(ra2) dec2_deg = math.degrees(dec2) return (ra2_deg, dec2_deg)
[docs]def get_RaDecOffsets(ra1_deg, dec1_deg, ra2_deg, dec2_deg): """Calculate offset.""" delta_ra_deg = ra1_deg - ra2_deg adj = math.cos(math.radians(dec2_deg)) if delta_ra_deg > 180.0: delta_ra_deg = (delta_ra_deg - 360.0) * adj elif delta_ra_deg < -180.0: delta_ra_deg = (delta_ra_deg + 360.0) * adj else: delta_ra_deg *= adj delta_dec_deg = dec1_deg - dec2_deg return (delta_ra_deg, delta_dec_deg)
def calc_midpoint_radec(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2): delta_ra = ra2 - ra1 bx = np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(delta_ra) by = np.cos(dec2) * np.sin(delta_ra) dec_term1 = np.sin(dec1) + np.sin(dec2) dec_term2 = np.sqrt(np.power((np.cos(dec1) + bx), 2) + np.power(by, 2)) dec_mid = np.arctan2(dec_term1, dec_term2) ra_mid = ra1 + np.arctan2(by, np.cos(dec1) + bx) return (ra_mid, dec_mid)
[docs]def lon_to_deg(lon): """Convert longitude to degrees.""" if isinstance(lon, str) and (':' in lon): # TODO: handle other coordinate systems lon_deg = hmsStrToDeg(lon) else: lon_deg = float(lon) return lon_deg
[docs]def lat_to_deg(lat): """Convert latitude to degrees.""" if isinstance(lat, str) and (':' in lat): # TODO: handle other coordinate systems lat_deg = dmsStrToDeg(lat) else: lat_deg = float(lat) return lat_deg