Source code for ginga.util.iqcalc_astropy

"""Module to handle image quality calculations using ``astropy``."""

import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting

from ginga.misc import Bunch

# Reuse shared items from the old module until we can merge old and new together.
from ginga.util.iqcalc import IQCalcError, get_median, have_scipy
from ginga.util.iqcalc import IQCalc as _IQCalc

# Import the rest into namespace so we can use this module like iqcalc.
from ginga.util.iqcalc import get_mean  # noqa

    from photutils.centroids import centroid_com
    from photutils.detection import find_peaks
    have_photutils = True
except ImportError:
    have_photutils = False

__all__ = ['IQCalc']

# TODO: Use photutils for source finding.
[docs]class IQCalc(_IQCalc): """This is `ginga.util.iqcalc.IQCalc` that uses ``astropy``. This subclass has an extra ``self.fitter`` attribute for ``astropy`` fitting. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # FWHM CALCULATION def _prep_for_fitting(self, arr1d, medv): if not have_scipy: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module " "to use this function") N = len(arr1d) X = np.array(list(range(N))) Y = np.asarray(arr1d) # Fitting works more reliably if we do the following # a. subtract sky background if medv is None: medv = get_median(Y) Y = Y - medv maxv = Y.max() # b. clamp to 0..max (of the sky subtracted field) Y = Y.clip(0, maxv) return N, X, Y, maxv
[docs] def gaussian(self, x, p): """Evaluate Gaussian function in 1D. Parameters ---------- x : array-like X values. p : tuple of float Parameters for Gaussian, i.e., ``(mean, stddev, amplitude)``. Returns ------- y : array-like Y values. """ g = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=p[2], mean=p[0], stddev=p[1]) return g(x)
[docs] def calc_fwhm_gaussian(self, arr1d, medv=None, **kwargs): """FWHM calculation on a 1D array by using least square fitting of a Gaussian function on the data. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. kwargs : dict Not used; for backward-compatible API call only. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. Raises ------ IQCalcError Fitting failed. """ N, X, Y, maxv = self._prep_for_fitting(arr1d, medv) # Gaussian model with initial guess m_init = models.Gaussian1D( amplitude=maxv, mean=N * 0.5, stddev=(N * 0.25)) # NOTE: without this mutex, optimize.leastsq causes a fatal error # sometimes--it appears not to be thread safe. # The error is: # "SystemError: null argument to internal routine" # "Fatal Python error: GC object already tracked" with self.lock: try: m = self.fitter(m_init, X, Y) except Exception: raise IQCalcError("FWHM Gaussian fitting failed") # Now that we have the sdev from fitting, we can calculate FWHM fwhm = m.fwhm # Some routines choke on numpy values and need "pure" Python floats # e.g. when marshalling through a remote procedure interface mu = m.mean.value sdev = m.stddev.value maxv = m.amplitude.value self.logger.debug('mu={} sdev={} maxv={}'.format(mu, sdev, maxv)) res = Bunch.Bunch(fwhm=fwhm, mu=mu, sdev=sdev, maxv=maxv, fit_fn=self.gaussian, fit_args=[mu, sdev, maxv]) return res
[docs] def moffat(self, x, p): """Evaluate Moffat function in 1D. Parameters ---------- x : array-like X values. p : tuple of float Parameters for Moffat, i.e., ``(x_0, gamma, alpha, amplitude)``, where ``x_0`` a.k.a. mean and ``gamma`` core width. Returns ------- y : array-like Y values. """ m = models.Moffat1D(amplitude=p[3], x_0=p[0], gamma=p[1], alpha=p[2]) return m(x)
[docs] def calc_fwhm_moffat(self, arr1d, medv=None, **kwargs): """FWHM calculation on a 1D array by using least square fitting of a Moffat function on the data. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. kwargs : dict Not used; for backward-compatible API call only. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. Raises ------ IQCalcError Fitting failed. """ N, X, Y, maxv = self._prep_for_fitting(arr1d, medv) # Moffat model with initial guess m_init = models.Moffat1D( amplitude=maxv, x_0=(N * 0.5), gamma=(N * 0.25), alpha=2) # NOTE: without this mutex, optimize.leastsq causes a fatal error # sometimes--it appears not to be thread safe. # The error is: # "SystemError: null argument to internal routine" # "Fatal Python error: GC object already tracked" with self.lock: try: m = self.fitter(m_init, X, Y) except Exception: raise IQCalcError("FWHM Moffat fitting failed") fwhm = m.fwhm # Some routines choke on numpy values and need "pure" Python floats # e.g. when marshalling through a remote procedure interface mu = m.x_0.value width = np.abs(m.gamma.value) power = m.alpha.value maxv = m.amplitude.value self.logger.debug('mu={} width={} power={} maxv={}'.format( mu, width, power, maxv)) res = Bunch.Bunch(fwhm=fwhm, mu=mu, width=width, power=power, maxv=maxv, fit_fn=self.moffat, fit_args=[mu, width, power, maxv]) return res
[docs] def lorentz(self, x, p): """Evaluate Lorentz function in 1D. Parameters ---------- x : array-like X values. p : tuple of float Parameters for Lorentz, i.e., ``(x_0, fwhm, amplitude)``. Returns ------- y : array-like Y values. """ m = models.Lorentz1D(amplitude=p[2], x_0=p[0], fwhm=p[1]) return m(x)
[docs] def calc_fwhm_lorentz(self, arr1d, medv=None, **kwargs): """FWHM calculation on a 1D array by using least square fitting of a Lorentz function on the data. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. kwargs : dict Not used; for backward-compatible API call only. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. Raises ------ IQCalcError Fitting failed. """ N, X, Y, maxv = self._prep_for_fitting(arr1d, medv) # Lorentz model with initial guess m_init = models.Lorentz1D( amplitude=maxv, x_0=(N * 0.5), fwhm=(N * 0.25)) # NOTE: without this mutex, optimize.leastsq causes a fatal error # sometimes--it appears not to be thread safe. # The error is: # "SystemError: null argument to internal routine" # "Fatal Python error: GC object already tracked" with self.lock: try: m = self.fitter(m_init, X, Y) except Exception: raise IQCalcError("FWHM Lorentz fitting failed") # Some routines choke on numpy values and need "pure" Python floats # e.g. when marshalling through a remote procedure interface fwhm = m.fwhm.value mu = m.x_0.value maxv = m.amplitude.value self.logger.debug('mu={} fwhm={} maxv={}'.format(mu, fwhm, maxv)) res = Bunch.Bunch(fwhm=fwhm, mu=mu, maxv=maxv, fit_fn=self.lorentz, fit_args=[mu, fwhm, maxv]) return res
[docs] def calc_fwhm(self, arr1d, medv=None, method_name='gaussian'): """Calculate FWHM for the given input array. Parameters ---------- arr1d : array-like 1D array cut in either X or Y direction on the object. medv : float or `None` Median of the data. If not given, it is calculated from ``arr1d``. method_name : {'gaussian', 'moffat', 'lorentz'} Function to use for fitting. Returns ------- res : `~ginga.misc.Bunch.Bunch` Fitting results. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Given function is not supported. """ if method_name == 'gaussian': fwhm_fn = self.calc_fwhm_gaussian elif method_name == 'moffat': fwhm_fn = self.calc_fwhm_moffat elif method_name == 'lorentz': fwhm_fn = self.calc_fwhm_lorentz else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Fitting with {} is unsupported'.format(method_name)) return fwhm_fn(arr1d, medv=medv)
[docs] def centroid(self, data, xc, yc, radius): if not have_photutils: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'photutils' package " "to use this function") x0, y0, arr = self.cut_region(int(xc), int(yc), int(radius), data) cx, cy = centroid_com(np.asarray(arr)) # Return (X, Y), not (Y, X) return (x0 + cx, y0 + cy)
[docs] def find_bright_peaks(self, data, threshold=None, sigma=5, radius=5): if not have_photutils: raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'photutils' package " "to use this function") if threshold is None: # set threshold to default if none provided threshold = self.get_threshold(data, sigma=sigma) self.logger.debug(f"threshold defaults to {threshold} (sigma={sigma})") if mask = data.mask data = else: mask = None out_tab = find_peaks(data, threshold, box_size=(radius * 2), mask=mask) peaks = list(zip(out_tab['x_peak'], out_tab['y_peak'])) self.logger.debug(f"peaks={peaks}") return peaks
# TODO: Perhaps evaluate_peaks or pick_field can also use photutils. #